You have one POTUS who has to be directed and even messes up when using a teleprompter, Biden. He is sad and pathetic in an old man way, but he is dangerously the POTUS until January 2025. You have another POTUS, President Trump, who can speak for hours using a teleprompter to keep him generally on target but goes off the script to entertain and interact with the crowd. He makes more news off script than on. I didn't see New Jersey, but I did watch Wisconsin where he was newsworthy, of clear and present mind, and entertaining. People at rallies relate to and have fun with Trump. Sorry to bring Biden into this, but this is the Biden thread, and the New Jersey rally really should be in the Trump's Troubles thread. Thanks for playing though.
Thanks to a friend who emailed me the text of the Wall Street Journal article. I can't post it all and the article remains behind a paywall, but I'm adding what I can within board rules for posting, a long article. The WSJ article continued: Mr. Biden seeks to stymie Israel’s plan to attack Rafah, Hamas’s last bastion and also the refuge for upward of one million displaced Palestinians. The president worries about the humanitarian consequences and no doubt is concerned that backlash in the Arab world would wreck any remaining chances for Saudi-Israeli normalization and play into China’s hands. Yet the profound differences between the early 1980s and now outweigh the similarities. Israel’s justification for intervening in Lebanon was an attempt on the life of the Israeli ambassador to the U.K. The intervention was the culmination of years of tension between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization, Syria and their various Lebanese allies. The present-day conflict in Gaza, in contrast, was triggered by the worst terrorist attack on Israel in its history—one that was unprovoked and utterly depraved, and that followed a period of U.S.-Israeli-Arab coordination on Gaza. Unlike Reagan, Mr. Biden is reversing policy and betraying a pledge of support.
I still find it amusing that the original premise of this thread demonstrating that Biden being is a tyrant flamed out in about 5 posts. Now we've shifted to Biden being a tyrant because....he's concerned that larger bombs being used in a city with 1 million innocent civilians will result in a large number of civilian casualties? Doesn't exactly sound like tyrant behavior to me.
All I see is a far-left pundit of no significance who has put together just over 8 minutes of doctored BS he wants you to see. Trump rallies typically last 1 1/2 hours. Clearly, you haven't watched the Trump rally. No, don't tell me you have as I know better having watched plenty of them. Hope you aren't making your decisions based on videos like that in #207. Try this, the live broadcast of the rally. FULL SPEECH: President Trump Delivers Remarks at Rally in Wildwood, NJ - 5/11/24 ( Invest 1 1/2 hours after the baseball game and at least attempt to be open minded. I consider the matter concluded in this thread, but I'd like to see any comments you have after watching in the Trump's Troubles thread. Thanks.
I've changed the thread title to Biden's Troubles to be consistent with the Trump's Troubles thread. Thank you for giving me the idea. Hope you continue to enjoy and participate in the thread.
I'm trying to figure out what someone could possibly glean from watching one, let alone multiple, Trump rallies. This goes for any political rally, but especially a Trump one.
I’ll admit I don’t sit around and watch literally hours and hours and hours of trump’s ramblings. And btw, it doesn’t make a drunk at end of the bar an effective speaker because he talks non-stop muddling his words for 2 hours on crazy conspiracies and how everyone is out to get him.
More trouble for Biden... Look at the love President Trump receives from former NFL players like Lawrence Taylor and Ottis Anderson. How many show up for Biden in his "rallies" these days? 81 million... BS!
The irony of this endorsement, and the fact that you don't even realize it are what make this thread both incredibly funny and sad at the same time. Just can't make it up. (Hint, maybe google LT legal troubles when you aren't spending hours watching Trump rallies)
While I realize that this photo is over 50 years old, it's George McGovern rally in 1972 before a crowd of over 100,000. McGovern ended up losing by one of the largest margins in history. More recently Trump was able to pack MAGA rallies in Pennsylvania in 2020 (see photo below). He still ended up losing that critical swing state.
How were George McGovern's boat rallies? Cause as we were told on this board, that's the true measure of a nominees popularity
I hope some of the election deniers donate their brains to science to see if there is any structural damage or evidence of neurodegenerative diseases. Assuming at least dull normal intellectual functioning, there has to be some explanation other than simple stubborness or loyalty to the orange man. Football players have done it, Bundy did...hopefully some will step up to the plate and help science advance in this area.
Biden's never been convicted of a sex crime... nor pedophilia... even though his daughter wrote in her diary that they showered together when she was young.