Just to be clear you understand the calculus here.... The pubs capitulated on support for Ukraine... ...and Biden pulled the rug out from Israel. Do the math.
Trump told Johnson to support further lethal aid to Ukraine as a poison pill. What it does is pacifies all the warmongers in Congress for a bit. Trump avoids the Russian sympathizer label for the election. And then when the Ukrainians fail to make any headway, then President Trump in 2025 can say “well. We had your back, but you couldn’t get it done. So we’re done. You need to cut a deal with Moscow .. today.”
I’m not sure I understand your point in retort to a comment I made as to why Russia justified the start of the war (even though that “justification” has been fluid over time.
Ukraine sets a new record by attacking a Russian refinery 746 miles inside of Russia. Ukraine also claimed to have attacked two oil depots in Russia causing large scale fires. Ukraine strikes refinery 746 miles inside Russia
More detail on Abrams vs. Russian tanks. Abrams tanks are still in or near the front lines, but have been unable to locate Russian tanks to do battle with, and the Abrams has struggled against drones (just like the Russian tanks have). There are still 23 of the original 31 still in service, with five destroyed and three damaged. A Ukrainian tank crew says the Abrams is still being used on the front lines, but isn't finding 'tank-on-tank' battles where it has the edge
Russia finally has a Victory Day parade to celebrate winning WWII. Sadly, their economy and armed forces were in such poor condition that they could only afford to use one tank. They normally use at least 20 tanks. Putin watches victory parade featuring a solitary Russian tank
Germany is planning on sending long-range artillery rounds to Ukraine, allowing Ukraine to fire them three times further than standard rounds. Ukraine is getting a prototype artillery shell that can strike 3 times as far as regular rounds: report
Read a story I can't find right now but it makes perfect sense, troops need shotguns to down drones with. Like shooting skeet. Much easier than hitting them with a rifle.
I was hoping that Ukraine could stage an attack on the V-Day Parade itself. That would be quite the news story.
I guess our resident gopniks are caught up in the big Victory Day celebration. It's been strangely quiet.
Everyone at the Kremlin is drunk, and not supplying propaganda. Meanwhile, Russophile keyboard cowboys on this side of the pond are debating what to make of a Victory Day parade with only one tank, and how they can spin that as a sign of great things for Mother Russia.