I'll take the last sentence as a compliment I don't deserve. duggers_dad is a better writer than me, funnier, more concise. What's similar about us is we believe in facts, not narratives. We don't engage in "motivated reasoning." Both of us think US foreign policy is horrible and should be mocked
Amnesty International have been very vocal about this all along. They are not making "good faith efforts to warn or evacuate civilians" or else civilians wouldn't be perishing. If they are getting civilians out of dodge and turning their homes into fortresses, well then, we shouldn't be surprised when Russia lights them up. (regardless of which side you support) As I've already said, the Geneva conventions don't make a distinction between the aggressor and/or aggrieved nations. The laws governing war crimes generally apply to both sides. As with almost all wars, it's assumed there are provocations from both sides that led to said war.
A reader is always free to interpret words as reader wants. It’s the reader’s prerogative. Many on here recognize that you routinely demonstrate the dissonance of reader’s prerogative.
Is there a way to prove that vegasfox and are not the same ? If so, would any of my disputants take this challenge ? If on investigation, it can be validated that we are two different persons, that my disputants will publicly bathe themselves in shame and out themselves as having mancrushes on Putin ?
Speaking of 2+ years, from my recollection of your posts you've been predicting the imminent defeat of Ukraine and a Russian victory for the last two years. Based on your predictions the war should have over a long time ago.
I’ve never said you were the same. Another poster made the accusation, and you glossed over it and didn’t respond(which is unlike you). If you feel the need to have multiple screen names (in addition to your other screen names, like Dreamliner), have at it. Or not …
At the outset Pooties forces were going to roll into Kyiv, install a puppet government and take control of Ukraine in a matter of weeks. 2+ years later, here we are.
You and Vegas seem to be intimately familiar with Putin. It is well documented that he is, well..."hung like a hamster." Do you attribute his overly aggressive inclinations to forcefully invade peaceful nations to him somehow compensating for his severe inadequacies in other "areas"? I'll hang up and listen.
This is just false, Ukraine has definitely done mandatory evacuations in front line towns or where they expect intense battles to take place. There may be some strangler civilians than won’t (or can’t) leave, but everything I’ve seen is most of those are ghost towns or most mostly rubble at this point. Some of Russia’s attacks have been against civilian infrastructure with no apparent military objective, other than causing civilian suffering. Those are your war crimes.
You went from Ukrainian soldiers fighting normal, everyday urban combat in these apartment buildings to Russia's attacks have been against civilian infrastructure with no apparent military objective. Make it make sense, bro.
I think the Russians expected a quick victory. The U.S. seemed to be prepping Ukraine more for geurilla warfare type fighting. Aka an underground resistance ala the French against the Nazi’s. Meaning they also expected the Russian forces to make much more progress right away. The fact the U.S. offered to evacuate Zelensky early on gives a clue they didn’t expect the govt in Ukraine to survive. Ukraine has defended much more effectively than anyone expected. That point cannot be debated.
There are no Russian Troops in western Ukraine, when Russia attack the power grid via missile or airstrike (as they literally just did) it can only be to cause civilian suffering. It accomplishes nothing on the battlefield. This is a tactic they’ve used throughout this war. Maybe one can make the bad faith argument that it slows production lines or some nonsense. Nobody is going to believe that with the way the Russians carry those operations out. They are basically terror attacks.
This writer for CNN gets it. Russia CAN be defeated in Ukraine. In fact, Russia as a country has been far more often the loser in wars than the winner. They have a long tradition of losing wars, from Japan to Poland to Afghanistan. The only war that they are extremely proud of winning is World War II, which they would not have won without extensive U.S. assistance (even Stalin acknowledged this). They also would not have won WWII without all of the Ukrainians fighting and dying for Russia (more Ukrainians died in WWII than Americans, Brits and French combined), so arguably "Russia's" best fighters historically are not on Russia's side in this war. All the talk of Ukraine being unable to win this war is propaganda coming straight from the Kremlin, ground zero for the greatest nation of losers on earth. In fact, Russia's ONLY hope of winning this war is to prevent the west (specifically, the U.S.) from supporting Ukraine. The U.S. has far better weapons than Russia could ever dream of, as evidenced by the devastation wrought by 40+ year-old weapons taken out of warehouses (with technologically advanced features often removed) on some of Russia's latest and best equipment. Russia's only hope is to get American losers, like Moscow Marge, on board with the "Ukraine cannot win" propaganda. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/08/opinions/victory-day-russia-war-ukraine-snyder/index.html
If you out my man crush on Putin and prove you are two separate people I’ll move to Russia and high five you and Vegas. Probably at the same time since you’re the same poster.
Ukraine have struck Russian civilian infrastructure many times. Some would argue to a greater degree if you count the Nordstream, which you almost have to, if that’s where you’re moving the goal posts to now. Just stop. Ukraine military uses civilian housing for shelter. This is well documented. Cluster munitions. Destruction of Russian civilian infrastructure. Apartment buildings. Drone attacks in Moscow residential neighborhoods. All well-documented. You are proving how little you know on the topic.