I didn't say he was a hidden democrat. Nor do I believe Mitt Romney was a hidden democrat. Nor do I believe Joe Manchin is a closet Republican. With a few "crazy" exceptions, those in power are bought and paid for by the same money. They disagree on just enough to give the illusion of choice. Just ask George Carlin.
As I am sure you know, I was referring to his bit about the illusion of choice. The man ws a legend. He is the man who made me question everything I thought I knew was truth.
Johnson is a leftist? The same Mike Johnson who supported the Republican attempt to reject the certification of the 2020 election results and is vehemently ant-abortion rights? Who would have thought?
In at least one respect, Mike Johnson is a throwback. Like the late Senator Arthur Vandenberg, a conservative Republican from Michigan who coined the phrase Johnson actually believes that "partisan politics must stop at the water's edge". Senator Arthur Vandenberg (1884-1951) of Michigan delivered a celebrated "speech heard round the world" in the Senate Chamber on January 10, 1945, announcing his conversion from isolationism to internationalism. In 1947, at the start of the Cold War, Vandenberg became chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Asserting that we must stop “partisan politics at the water's edge," he cooperated with the Truman administration in forging bipartisan support for the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and NATO. As recalled by Francis Wilcox, the first chief of staff of the Foreign Relations Committee, Vandenberg's Senate career stands as a monument to bipartisanship in American foreign policy. U.S. Senate: Arthur Vandenberg: A Featured Biography
So you’re doubling down on the lies. The moderates in both parties are willing to work together. Just last month both sides came together to create an Ukraine/Israel/Taiwan/Border bill and it was scuttled by one group, the MTG righties. For whatever reason the MTG’s have an outsized influence in the Republican Party that isn’t present in the Democrats.
There are grownups in DC and there are children. And somehow the children have gotten a seat at the grownup table and it is ruining our Thanksgiving dinner.
Definitely not virtuous, but they at least govern like adults. The job they were elected to do. MTG seems more interested in things like showing pics of Hunter Biden's dick on the floor of the house.
Adding a trillion dollars to the debt every 100 days isn't adult-like behavior - at least not responsible adult-like behavior.