This is what it’s come to. Be interesting to see whether she still tries to trot it out and see both parties unite against her. JOINT DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP STATEMENT ON MOTION TO VACATE
I’m not sure how well having the Ds publicly back him up plays to his base and constituents. Not that I care.
This is a potentially beneficial inflection point IMO. Not for the Speaker personally, but for the unity of the Dems in the House. They need to hold a unified line and make reasonable decisions and let the GOP caucus self-destruct. This is a good step in that direction.
The Dems are trying to protect Congress from the Republican ichneumon larvae that infest it. Look at Congress for a moment as a caterpillar. Ichneumon larvae are parasites that feed inside live caterpillars. Charles Darwin couldn't persuade himself that any kind Creator made ichneumon larvae, or designed a cat to play with mice.
He's proven reliable to get money and weapons to client states, which is pretty much what America exists for right now. That's all you need to do to be a "good" Republican with Dem leadership.
I don't like to see us "fueling wars," but it seems to me that Republican pro-Russian Putin lovers like Johnson's arch nemesis Greene are all for war. It just depends on which side you're on.
After entertaining the right wing batshit crazy theories and policies for six months he finally stands up against them so now he’s suddenly a “leftist” or the same as Jeffries? Johnson supports Trump and frequently flew with him on Air Force One while Trump was President, he voted against certifying a Jan 6th commission and against certifying the election, and was in the middle of the lawsuits contesting the election results. Johnson was a lawyer for the Alliance Defense Fund which pushes very conservative positions, is friends with Amy Comey Barret, is decidedly against same sex marriages, abortion, marijauna in any context, is for school prayer, etc. You guys have ZERO credibility with your position that the two are the same or Johnson is some kind of leftist.
Whatever you want to say, it appears the litmus test for backing Republican leadership is getting foreign military aid over the line
I disagree with this, I don't for a second believe Johnson is a Leftist. I think when he got the job he realized his duty to the country over politics and made some decisions for the good of the country. Congressmen on both sides recognize that and will keep him in the office.
This is neither Johnson is a leftist or he is patriotic. Dems will support Johnson because he will keep his word to them on deals. McCarthy didn't. Dems understand they are in the minority (for now), but you don't want to make a deal, have your support trumpeted to the press, then have the Speaker pull a Vader to Lando and change the terms that benefit you. That was McCarthy
Same old shit. Lefites don't work with GOP, well they're standing up for their principles, right on man!. Righties don't work with dems, they're batshit crazy and can't govern. You guys need a new schtick.
I think the issue is that the Republicans need to figure out their identity. Are they batshit crazy MAGA (ala Gaetz and MJT), or traditional conservatives? The split between the two is mountainous.
MTG is playing 4d chess. She knows that the GOP could end up losing their speaker. So maybe she really wants Jeffries to become speaker because she is really of the uniparty
Or maybe a desire to keep the country being governed? Or maybe a conscious choice between what they perceive to be two evils? I wouldn’t call anything that Johnson has done in his past to suggest he is a hidden democrat.