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Roster Construction Thus Far

Discussion in 'Nuttin but Net' started by rserina, Apr 21, 2024.

  1. gatorrick1

    gatorrick1 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 8, 2007
    We are trying to get a longer 3. We will see what happens. Nothing imminent right now.
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  2. rserina

    rserina GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Ringwood, NJ
    I see where you are coming from and have some of the same reservations, but we also have to bear in mind that the UVA game was Clayton's second in a new role with an entirely new team (only two returning rotation players) and it was against one of the best defensive point guards in the country and against one of the more challenging defensive teams to figure out. Those early games are just not a great metric.

    Pullin was terrific, but it's also worth saying that his statistical output was vastly improved in terms of playmaking and turnovers, not to mention jump shooting, over his previous years. The Pullin we got last year was in no way anticipated based on his past performance. And those UC-Irvine teams generally played a massively slower pace than us, so no one knew how we would fit into our scheme, let alone drive it in the way he did. What if Golden and the team around Pullin actually made him look better?

    There are also plenty of examples of recent teams that succeeded without great point guard play. A year ago, Tristan Newton was hardly the player he became last year. He was a 10-4-4 guy who transferred from East Carolina. Kansas's PG rotation the year before that was super middling. And there were tons of college teams that had high level success throughout the year without stellar PG play because the team fit together well. I tend to be on the conservative side and would prefer we bring in a security blanket, if not a legitimate lead guard, but we also aren't exactly in the mode of competing for a national title just yet.

    We improved massively last year, made the tournament, and had a very exciting brand of ball, but still haven't won a tournament game under Golden. He is a year or two away from having a roster that can be competitive on the biggest stage. Signs are great on the prep trail, he has done a terrific job of evaluating the kids currently on the roster, and he has shown the ability to work the portal exceptionally well. As long as we put a competitive tournament team on the floor next year, I can live with a limited upside, and a team that takes one step back offensively along with two steps forward defensively probably fits that bill.
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  3. rserina

    rserina GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Ringwood, NJ
    Agreed. I see him as second post for us, not a stretch four. That's also why I think we use the Chinyelu/Alexis pairing very sparingly.
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  4. g8tr80

    g8tr80 Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    What we may have lost in Pullen pushing the ball, we make up with Martin and Alexis finishing. Get ready for some ESPN highlights.

    Real interested in see how Aberdeen progresses. He finished the season very strong. Don’t sleep on him just yet.
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  5. jeffphillips21

    jeffphillips21 GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 20, 2009
    What I meant by “able” to is that he’s more able to stretch the floor than Samuel who went 4 of 25. He’s is no way a stretch 4, but he can do it occasionally. At least in the videos I saw he was able to hit a 3 from the top of the arc a few times, if he practices that spot-up and raises his average back to even 32%, or higher on wide-open attempts, he could be used to space the floor occasionally. Yes it’s clear that’s not why we brought him in, but I didn’t see mechanics that were so horrible he can’t improve. Or maybe I’m just hoping.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2024
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  6. jeffphillips21

    jeffphillips21 GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 20, 2009
    Does anyone have any idea what our Florida Victorious basketball budget is? And how much we’ve spent, have left over? I think a highly rated 6’7/6’8 wing would be great value for our money. The kind of guy we would lose out on recruiting battles to the blue bloods and/or the schools that paid - maybe we’re now in a financial position to throw money at a player like that. We seem to have all the other pieces in place and while all solid there doesn’t seem to be an overly expensive player (even if/when Clayton Jr returns). It’s interesting to think of what our “salary cap” is now that we’re essentially (ugh) a professional basketball team. And if we have the kind of money available to go after a lottery pick type player
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2024
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  7. gatorrick1

    gatorrick1 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 8, 2007
    it is my understanding that where we stand as of now is if there are no changes to our roster we do not have the money to go get a star transfer at the 3. That doesn’t mean if one wanted to come we couldn’t raise the funds only that we aren’t going to outbid everyone.
    • Informative Informative x 4
  8. gatorrick1

    gatorrick1 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 8, 2007
    One other thing on Martin for Gator fans to know, we were not the school that offered him the most NIL $. He came because he felt Golden did a great job with our guys this year and runs a NBA type offense/fast pace where he can get usage and play with other like minded guys. He left some money on the table because he gets the bigger picture about developing his game and possibly playing his way into being a NBA guy.

    I know a lot of people on here think it’s all about the NIL money and that does play a role, but it’s only part of the picture.
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  9. jeffphillips21

    jeffphillips21 GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 20, 2009
    ok thanks for the insight
  10. jeffphillips21

    jeffphillips21 GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 20, 2009
    that's good to know, first because it sounds like he really wants to be here and second because he's not a mercenary...and that’s much easier to cheer for
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2024
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  11. FranceGator

    FranceGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    True, but his late-season jump wasn't IMO about ball-handling, getting into the offense, assists...PG stuff.
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  12. GatorPlanet

    GatorPlanet GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 15, 2007
    Maitland, FL
    That's also true, but it was really the first time we've seen him start to blossom as a basketball player worthy of extended minutes. Very encouraging.
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  13. rserina

    rserina GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Ringwood, NJ
    I definitely share your concerns, to a point. I think it's easy to "over-project" someone on the basis of a really good game or good stretch, like the FBH guys did when they fell in love with Lane and Reeves late in White's last season. And it isn't like Aberdeen earned those extra minutes down the stretch so much as Kugel lost them.

    On the other hand, apart from his hot shooting, Aberdeen brought the same things to the table in March that he had all season: he is a terrific defender on and off the ball who can guard multiple positions, he is an explosive athlete who can elevate in the lane and finish on the break, he runs the pick and roll very effectively with the ability to score off the drive, and he generally takes excellent care of the ball--against the press, in the halfcourt, whatever (his TO rate was third best on the team--behind Pullin and Haugh--at 10.6, which was better than Pullin in his previous four seasons and better than anyone the previous year outside of Richard).

    Will that make him an elite point guard who can move the needle heavily for us as a team? No, almost certainly not. But can he play 20 minutes a game alongside Martin and Clayton, guard any of the three perimeter positions as needed, get the ball up the court safely and get us into an offense that probably involves more motion/off ball stuff than last year and runs more through Condon in the high/low post, Martin in dribble drive actions, and Clayton off ball screens, and then get his 6-8 pts off the occasional pick and roll or transition buckets? Yes. And that would make is a much better defensive team than last year, yet without taking a massive step back offensively.

    Again, I still think we target someone else to help in the backcourt, but, if not, Aberdeen can easily contribute and work with the guy we have on hand.
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  14. Ahab

    Ahab GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Can Haugh fit that profile of playing between PF & SF?
  15. ncgator015

    ncgator015 Senior

    Jun 23, 2022
    Haugh, (backing up Richard) is our three. Period.

    Unless we pull a PG out of a magic hat (very unlikely), we are done.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. Gatorrick22

    Gatorrick22 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
  17. gatorrick1

    gatorrick1 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 8, 2007
    can he? Absolutely. Will he. We will see. In order to play the 3 you have to practice the skills required to be the 3 and during team practice get a decent amount of minutes at the 3. If Handy is not ready to go in the off season and fall practice, Haugh won’t get much practice time at the 3 and therefore would have a hard time playing significant minutes there during the season.

    people don’t understand how important practice is and how in reality it works. Without Handy we have 4 real post players not including Rioux. Haugh will have to play a ton of 4 in practice to dry run plays and in competitive portions of practice. It is a real challenge to then play the 3 in games.

    I will say this in the coaches perfect world, Handy would be healthy and Haugh could get some practice time at the 3. But in spite of what some posters say here, the coaching staff is not expecting much if anything from Handy for at least the first half of next season if at all. Haugh will most likely be getting the majority of his minutes at the 4.
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  18. gatorrick1

    gatorrick1 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 8, 2007

    This is not accurate to the extent that this is a forgone conclusion. The staff is talking to 3’s to potentially bring in. Also, there are going to be times next year where Aberdeen, Martin and Clayton play together. This is of course assuming Clayton and Richard come back which is likely.
  19. rserina

    rserina GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Ringwood, NJ
    I far prefer him at the 4. His block and finish rates were terrific, and I think his shot will enable him to stretch the floor.
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  20. rserina

    rserina GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Ringwood, NJ
    So we are gonna leave two scholarships open?
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