Still shoveling propaganda, eh, comrade? Why don't you explain why Russia was defeated in Afghanistan AND their economy collapsed afterwards, if they are a "bottomless pit of production and upgrades"? Why would anyone claim that Russia is a bottomless pit of "upgrades" when their most modern tank is a piece of garbage that is not ready to see the battlefield against an opponent that's been running out of ammunition? When you say upgrades, do you mean junk? And how do you explain all of the missile defense systems of Russia that Ukraine has destroyed . . . by missiles? Shouldn't a missile defense system be able to defend itself against . . . missiles? Especially 40-year-old missiles? If you are saying that Russia has advanced itself since escaping the Stone Age, I might agree. Hardly anything to brag about, however.
Why? Either ignorance, trolling or propaganda. I gave up on the Pravda pigeons. They need to let the adults talk.
Yes, Topknot, Russia was defeated in Afghanistan in much the same way we were later defeated in Afghanistan. And regarding industrial warfare capacity, evidently 35 years was enough time for a fallen Russia to heave itself up off the mat and rain heavy blows on our proxies … The Return of Industrial Warfare
Russia needs better tanks like our vaunted Abrams. Oops! They’re getting cooked in Ukraine Inferiority of the 'Western Way of War' Slowly Comes to Light
The frozen assets is actually a big deal. US has about 5 billion of those now, Europe has like 300 billion. Although it might not fund the war effort directly, it may fund repairs to the country and several have suggested this is the pot of money that will be used in reconstruction. Big day today.
There's a certain symmetry to blowing up Russian combatants with American bombs purchased with Russian money.
No, Clownie, the U.S. was not defeated like Russia was. The U.S. had 2459 military deaths in Afghanistan in 20 years. The Russians had about 15,000 soldiers killed in just over 9 years. The U.S. had actually won the military war in Afghanistan, and had trouble keeping the peace, and that's when the U.S. voluntarily left. The Russians never won the military war, and HAD TO evacuate the country, as the losses were unacceptably high, and Gorbachev was too wise a leader to continue a hopeless fight that his predecessors started. They were humiliated by the Afghans and the terrain, even though they refused to allow themselves to be constrained by the Geneva Conventions, like more civilized countries like the U.S. were. As far as what Russia has been able to do 35 years after the humiliation of a collapsed economy and failed military venture, they have mostly gotten their asses kicked by a much smaller nation with a much smaller military than they have that is using 40-year-old weapons out of warehouses. The Russian navy has been neutered by a country that technically doesn't even have a navy. Their only hope of winning the war is for the U.S. to stop supporting Ukraine. Looks like that is not going to happen. Sad for you.
Russia's only hope for US aid to Ukraine to cease is if Trump wins in November. The gop would love to pull the plug on Ukraine and gift it to Pootie pie.
Ukraine attacks a Russian fuel depot and three electrical sub-stations with long-range drones. UPDATE 3-Ukrainian drones strike Russian fuel depot, substations in major attack
I think you have to prioritize the war effort first, and then Ukraine has been beaten up badly - I think they could use the money for reconstruction more than for profit companies - just my 2 cents.
Set Russia aside for the moment. I have a question for you I suppose the question you need to answer, Lil’ Dubya, is why Murica hasn’t won a war since WWII
Only an imbecile would claim that the U.S. did not win the first War in Iraq. The U.S. met its objectives, and Iraqi troops were removed from Kuwait, and the Iraqi armed forces were wiped out (about 100,000 killed vs 150 for the U.S.). In actuality, the U.S. won the military portion of the second War in Iraq, but could not win the peace. GWB and Rummy the Dummy were just too stupid. Nevertheless, Iraq has not posed a significant threat to any of its neighbors since. Our military was so good that we won the war with a halfwit as President, and a political hack with almost no military experience as Sec'y of Defense. Wars in the middle east will always be a difficult proposition for a country that abides by the Geneva Conventions, because the insurgents that you'll be fighting sure as hell won't be. I suppose the question you need to answer, Lil' Dummy, is why you didn't know any of this.
I can't see the posts, I still have them blocked, but anyone claiming the US didn't win the actual military component of the first Iraq war is just trolling. One of the Russian talking points, going all the way back to the beginning of the war, has been to portray the US as military losers, who haven't won anything in decades. They reference Vietnam, Korea, the various adventures in the middle east, etc. Even if you don't want to put them on ignore - this is a talking point this is simply ignore-worthy. The modern Russian military we have watched the past two years could only hope of carrying out a well-planned operation like desert storm in their wildest dreams.
I find it highly offensive when posters like DD or VF use the pronoun "we" when referring to the United States. They are as American as shchi or kasha and as patriotic as Victory Day.
You miss a lot when you’re locked in your echo chamber. The article basically suggests that the U.S. won the battle and lost the war. More … Why We Lost in Iraq and Afghanistan, by Daniel Bolger
Jeebus, you even miss a lot when you read the article. And now we’ve been kicked out of Niger. Why We Lost in Iraq and Afghanistan, by Daniel Bolger