Of all the people and all the causes to protest via self-immolation, I don't know that I will ever truly understand this one.
There is a closer view of this man setting himself on fire on the internet. I will not post it. If you really want to see it you can find it yourself. It's quite disturbing to watch.
His full manifesto. He seems to think that crypto is some back door to a totalitarian takeover. I have set myself on fire outside the Trump Trial.
He also appears to have sued all those folks last year, and the judge basically said, “show some actual evidence or I’m tossing this out”, so he likely realized he had no path to “expose”:his conspiracy other than this. Incredibly sad that people go this far down the conspiratorial rabbit holes. Azzarello v. Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation et al
Too scattered. He's not wrong on the broad point of crypto Ponzi - see https://www.amazon.com/s?k=number+g...589686&tag=googhydr-20&ref=pd_sl_580iau96iu_e