At first I read this as "movie" and was like "holy shit" what was he in that he didn't play a bit role.
I'm not super into political comedy either, tbh. It's just a broader picture of the entertainment landscape I'm referring to.
You nailed it. Not just the ones you mentioned (Maher, Chappelle, Stewart), but most of the successful comics won't hold back to make fun of the left/Democrats and I think that's the answer. Right-leaning comedians could probably take a page or two out of that book and it would go a long way for them. I think this because the comedians who hammer both sides are catching the essence. And that is, most of us are not simply right or left. Most of us have shades of gray.
I think some of it is the ability to think more abstractly. One of the factors that causes political splits is abstract vs. concrete thought. Abstract thought is often very necessary to find a funny and unexpected perspective on something.
Also, people aren't having enough kids. The funniest is usually the kid with 6 older siblings because that was the only way to get their voice heard. Can't be funny as an only child
I think you could take this one step further. I think it's acceptable for left wing comedians to not only make fun and laugh at the left but do not get booed off the stage when they make fun of the right. On the other hand though, a right wing can make all the fun he wants of the right but it is taboo for them to make fun of the left with most neutral audiences. I don't know why that is the dynamic, but I do believe that is the case, so it really limits the potential audience for known righties.
This is probably true to some degree, but its also led to an incalculable number of grad students to be like "I could probably do a 30 minute set and kill."
I think the best examples of this are interesting to look at. Take Larry the Cable guy and Jeff Foxworthy. Both basically took on characters that did nothing but low level comedy like fart jokes and making fun of rednecks. And they were crazy successful doing it. It wasn't overtly political, but I think you're on to something.
Yup you are exactly right!!! Don't know how much you ever listened to them, but I am a redneck, LOL, and can recall the only thing political out them was very generic and not directed left or right.
I don't really watch any of these people ... stream BritBox mostly .... but the one guy I have seen a bit who was absolutely horrid was Trevor Noah. Holy smoke and cow ...... who ever thought that guy was funny? My how far the comedy business has fallen ..... especially when you compare what we enjoyed on SNL in the mid-late 1970s .... to the tripe of today.
There's a reason for that ..... liberals take themselves far too seriously. They're too negative, uptight, and insecure.
Sort of like how Chappelle can make fun of LGBTQ for 20 minutes and even though a few yuppies throw up their hands, in the end, his status grows.
I don't mean this as a criticism, but I laughed when I found out Larry the Cable Guy code-switches his accents and refers to himself as a linguist chameleon (see below). FWIW, Ron White is my favorite of the "Blue Collar" comedians, though I didn't mention him earlier because I don't consider him political. Ron White has had me laughing out loud at times.
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