how many relatives does he have meeting gruesome deaths, surprised he remembered who, or when, or why this was even brought up.
Biden should not have never mentioned cannibals. While he has a tendency to embellish two significant substantive facts regarding Joe Biden's story have never been in dispute. First that his uncle was the shot down over New Guinea and secondly that his body was never recovered. By the way this an article that was written in 2023 concerning cannibalism in New Guinea. Tribe of cannibals eats robbers as punishment - except their genitals
So did he forget? Get the story wrong? Or did he flat out lie? Most of you are quick to call out Trump on this. Knowing that Biden in the opinion of many here has not declined cognitively at all and considering Biden's past of plagiarism and falsehoods, how are you all going to explain this away?
stupid embellishment and almost racial sterotype to assume that the residents of the area a tthe time were all cannibals. now if he repeatedly said that his father was born in a foreign country knowing damn good and well he wasn't,......I would conclude he was incapable of telling the truth or was just so senile he doesn't know what the truth is anymore
Starting up a new Swift Boat Veterans For Truth to prove a Biden didnt get the purple heart after being killed by cannibals
This is what we are left with. Choice number one - a seemingly mostly competent president, at the moment who has memory lapses and falsely embellishes things, and is showing signs of cognitive decline not out of character at his age with all of the above likely to get worse. Choice number two - a narcissistic sociopath and probable felon who lies so frequently that he starts to believe is own lies and would do just about anything, including trashing the constitution and selling out to corrupt foreign dictators to enrich himself - and oh by the way also appears to be suffering from cognitive decline.
the choice goes far behind the figurehead. one admin is actually tring to govern the country and do what they think is best for the country, the other group i slicking djt's boots asking him what crazy idea he wants implemented next, regardless of the law or ethical implications of the crazy idea
Does anyone even remember when he claimed he was arrested or something visiting Mandela? No? Exactly.
Here's how I rate lies: Funny lies that harm no one and are obviously untrue: Hilarious, our birthright as Americans Not funny lies that arent immediately obvious but ultimately harmless: Not cool, buddy Not funny lies that kill people or cover up bad things: Very bad
An unfortunate tendency to exaggerate and occasionally fabricate. Very similar to his likely opponent in November although not nearly to the same extent.