Biden officials are stressing that the new auto greenhouse gas emissions standards they rolled out on Wednesday aren’t an electric-vehicle mandate. But the liberal press and climate lobby don’t buy it, and neither should Americans. The Environmental Protection Agency somewhat eased CO2 emissions requirements through 2030 from its proposal last spring while maintaining essentially the same end-point for 2032. That means gas-powered cars can make up no more than 30% of auto sales by 2032. Make no mistake: This is a coerced phase-out of gas-powered cars. Auto makers lauded the Administration for “moderating the pace of EV adoption” in “the next few (very critical) years of the EV transition” while calling its targets “still a stretch.” The Administration has taken auto companies hostage, threatening to cause financial carnage across the industry with its EV mandate. CEOs are grateful for the delay in execution. EVs made up less than 8% of new auto sales last year, and more than half were Teslas. They accounted for less than 4% of General Motors and Ford sales. The whole “Domestic oil is at its highest production ever! Thanks, Biden!” narrative comes crashing down like a house of cards. Now we know the end game: destroy the petroleum industry and coerce Americans to buy EVs. This is probably the auto industry blood-bath Trump was talking about.
It may not have occurred to you in your rush to post this blathering partisan nonsense but the petroleum industry does far more than transpo.
I don’t think it is a secret that Biden and democrats are supportive of phasing out ICE vehicles and fossil fuels. I don’t know why you are surprised. At some level I agree with you, I’m not confident that the goals are realistic or that we will have the infrastructure to support it in that time frame.
Election year nonsense scare tactics. They'll take your ICE car right about the time they take your stove.
The future is battery powered cars. The only question is when this transition will be completed. I see a future where only rich enthusiasts have exhaust spewing vehicles. The future is bright where are my shades.
This^ It is a goal. When has Government ever met it’s goals? It won’t be in my lifetime, but all will eventually be assimilated
What I don’t understand is why people are opposed to it. It’s like protesting color tv or flat screens or led lightbulbs.
In fairness, if we somehow hit that absurd goal, it would be the first time in American history that we hit one of these lofty federal targets. IMO, these types of goals from the executive are not supposed to be realistic. They're supposed to be aspirational and set a tone on priorities. The question in my mind is not "will we hit this goal by the deadline?" but "How will this goal encourage progress toward less reliance on fossil fuels?"
This is a common BS mantra with right wingers. If anyone were really trying to hit the petroleum industry - they would simply end the decades and decades of government hand outs that the petroleum industry has been enjoying. Literally no one has the stomach to do that. Period. SEN. WHITEHOUSE ON FOSSIL FUEL SUBSIDIES: “WE ARE SUBSIDIZING THE DANGER” | U.S. Senate Committee On The Budget.
WE ARE AT THE MERCY OF THE OPEC. THEY OWN US. The only way to free ourselves from the constant gripping economic risk from countries that want to unseat us as the world's power is through alternative energy. Even now they cut back production further and you will see very high summer prices this year with record output. IT IS A NATIONAL SECURITY RISK. OPEC+ members to extend oil production cuts through June Several OPEC+ members, led by Saudi Arabia and Russia, will extend voluntary oil output cuts of 2.2 million b/d into second-quarter 2024, providing the market with a boost amid concerns about global economic growth and rising production outside the group. In November 2023, OPEC+ had initially agreed to voluntary cuts totaling about 2.2 million b/d for first-quarter 2024, with Saudi Arabia extending a cut it had first implemented in July. In a statement, Saudi Arabia said it would extend voluntary production cuts of 1 million b/d until end-June, keeping its output at around 9 million b/d. Russia will cut oil production and exports by an extra 471,000 b/d in second-quarter 2024. Specifically, production was reduced by 350,000 b/d in April and exports by 121,000 b/d; production was reduced by 400,000 b/d in May, and exports were reduced by 71,000 b/d; and production was reduced by 471,000 b/d in June.
I’m ok if they allow hybrids. Not totally eliminate the small ICE that they have for backup power. yea. I’d like to tell OPEC to shove it.
Oh I forgot there were people who were whining about the phase out of incandescent bulbs. Now I admit that the pocket fluorescents weren’t great but the led are superior in every way.
Im not sure I understand my sides opposition to this. At least to some extent. Freeing ourselves from M.E. oil dependency seems a good foreign policy position. We will likely miss the timelines, but who cares. Progress cones in ebbs and flows.
Theyre against it because Biden is for it. What they don't realize is that China is pushing hard to become the dominant player. If we pull back then China will become the leader in the supply chain and the overall market. But maybe that's what they want
I mean I get that. It happens on all sides. Some dems said they would never get a vax that Trump oversaw. Its nonsensical on all fronts, but alas....politics.
And that all happens right after they steal the next election. It's true that the Dems have no compunction about lying, but they are dead serious about climate communism... all part of the plan.