Pretty sure it is just you now. The rest of us put him on ignore about 2 years ago. If a Troll falls in the woods and no one pays any attention, is he still a troll? Do us all a favor and put him on ignore too. The thread would be much more useful if no one replied to his crap.
Comparison between US and Russia … One country has been at war for 93% of its existence and has staged 200 military interventions since the Cold War. The other country is Russia.
duggers_dad's "crap" posts have won every imteraction I've seen on this thread. Reading them has been like watching a chess granaster win every game of a simultaneous exhibition. If his posts are garbage can you give 1 example.
Switzerland finally gaining a conscious? Putin's Secret Fortune May Be at Risk in World's 'Most Neutral' Country ( Switzerland is bucking centuries of non-alignment by adopting EU sanctions on Russia and approving the re-export of some Swiss weapons and munitions to Ukraine via third parties—though Bern has refused to provide arms to Kyiv directly. Pressure is even growing in parliament for the government to sign up to transatlantic proposals to seize frozen Russian assets and hand them to Ukraine, a step that would contrast with the country's traditional and lucrative role as a center for discrete—and at times illicit—financial dealings. Last month, the upper house of the Swiss parliament voted 21-19 in favor of several motions—passed by the lower house late last year—that will allow the government to begin forming a legal basis for the use of frozen aggressor-state assets to pay for reparations in victimized countries. "The facts are very clear indeed," Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis told the upper house. "Russia has seriously violated international law. It must therefore repair the damage caused. International discussions are underway regarding compensation mechanisms and Switzerland is participating with its knowledge, its skills and all its history in this area."
Would be wonderful if it happens especially if it includes Putin’s personal fortune but alas I won’t hold my breath. Russia is now advancing as Ukraine runs out of ammo. Will any of these Republicans who supposedly support Ukraine but won’t do anything about it finally stand up? Such a disgrace.
They desperately want to save Ukrainian lives with a forced surrender so Putin can kill them (quietly) later.
The Biden administration wanted this war. Russia was ready to sign the Istanbul Communique on March 22, 2022. As I predicted on March 23, 2023 on Twitter, the Biden administration would proppose this ceasefire agreement because they thought war would help Democrats in the 2022 midterms. . UD puppet told Boris Johnson to tell Zelensky not to agree to the ceasefire. Russia was ready to withdraw their troops from Ukraine but that wasn't what the Biden administration wanted.
Utter nonsense. Putin will stop at the wall that IS NATO. Dude's terrified of NATO. Rightfully so. ...and can we plz stop with the Hitler comps? Hitler mowed Poland down in 2 days, and controlled half of Europe in 1 year. Putin stuck in Ukranian mud for going on 3 years, having erely gained control of a sliver half the width of Florida. It's laughable. He wants nothing to do with NATO, literally burning up his own military to preserve a precious barrier between his Russia and NATO. #dramaqueens
The NATO border has actually expanded due to this invasion. The idea war is justifiable because Russia needs a “buffer” against NATO is nonsensical. I think their original plan absolutely involved quickly moving into other non-NATO states, the Belarusian lackey pretty much revealed their plans for Moldova, not that it’s a mystery - basically the same sham as their annexation of Crimea. A direct attack on a NATO state seems far less likely given how Russia’s military underperformed. But I think they will continue to be a hostile actor and look to destabilize any country aligned with NATO. If not continued aggression, what is the end game?
Zelensky Is Lying About An Upcoming Counteroffensive Out Of Desperation To Receive More Aid | ZeroHedge