Oh I forgot to add. Trump is the reason these prices are up. Trump sucks Are you really asking that question? Could it be that was just before the pandemic, Trump was President, and the comparison is to Biden. You are really not that obtuse are you?
Think about what you just said. The comparison is Trump to Biden. And yet, they are using a baseline that makes the comparison Trump-2020 to Trump's last year+Biden. So why would they do that?
Brilliant! One should understand that Trump's top priority is to keep out the people who pick our fruits and vegetables, and prepare our pork, chicken, & beef at very affordable rates. Guess what that will do to grocery store prices if Trump actually succeeds? Do you think it will make the prices go down, or up, if those jobs have be done by highly-paid U.S. labor?
I didn’t realize in 2020 that we needed 7,000,000 more people to pick fruits and vegetables and prepare our meats.
The 7 million number is inflated. And every year tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants return home. While many do stay, others come for a few years, make enough money, then voluntarily return home. Their labor is replaced by the newer arrivals for the most part.
Oh pardon me for the error. So over 7,000,000 come in illegally, and 40,000 go back so it’s not a problem. Do you see the fallacy in your argument?
I rarely pay full price for beef. Our local Kroger has a section in the meat counter where they mark down packages that are close to the sell-by date. I usually get beef 30% to 60% off the original price. My wife laughs that I’m the king of cheat meat.
Overall, groceries are up almost 40% since the end of 2019. That's just a fact. Organic honey crisp apples are $3.99 a lb today.
The 7 million is way over estimates. And 40k is way under. Those are just the ones we know about. At this link, we had a peak of over 12 million undocumented residents in 2005. By 2021, it we down to 10.5 million. And the population of Mexican born undocumented residents had fallen 900k between 2017 and 2021. How can that happen if only 40k a year are returning home? The issue is with accurate data. We have no good way of tracking these people. If only we had a system where they could register, we could track their movement and employment, we'd have better knowledge and better numbers. Oh, and we can make the migrants themselves pay for this system with guest worker Visa payments.
That is flat not true. Food at home, which is the CPI for groceries as a whole, is not up 40%. It is up 21% since 2019 (which, it should be noted, includes the inflation that occurred in 2020). Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: Other Food Away from Home in U.S. City Average
Just so we are crystal clear. You believe groceries are only up 21% since 2019? Simple yes/no question
Edit: Upon review, I looked at the wrong figure. My apologies. It appears to be 25% (which, again, includes 2020 under Trump). Point still stands that it isn't 40%. Chained Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: Food at Home in U.S. City Average
7 pages and zero weigh in from conservatives on what they’d like to do. I recommend we expand snap and raise the benefits. How’s that for you?
My experience and from the looks of it most of the country agrees with me those numbers don’t add up. WSJ article highlights the real cost of groceries of what a typical family will be spending on groceries. WSJ says it’s 36.5%. It’s why most of country thinks the economy sucks. Why many Americans feel unhappy about the economy despite indicators of improvement
Clearly. You would be better informed to understand that the USA currently has approximately 9 million undocumented people employed, and not solely in those fields referenced. So, as your quoted poster made clear, to kick them all out would cause some serious labor shortages, which would certainly drive up the price of food, among other things. Many people, seemingly including you, would evict all undocumented immigrants without even comprehending that there would need to be a plan to replace them in the labor market. Or did YOU have a suggestion on that part of the equation? Do you see the fallacy in your posting on subjects which you seem to know nothing about?
Just read this: “If the economy was great, the Biden White House wouldn’t need to work so hard at convincing Americans it is.”