How’s seafood prices around the state? Publix 5 miles away had 3oz Lobster Tails for $5.99 this week. Was about $1/oz a couple years ago and 4oz was the smallest you could get. Salmon is $11/lb. Was $7-8.99 2 years ago. We get what we want when we want it. We just don’t want it as much. The better seafood is at the markets anyway. Publix does sell an awesome frozen box of Publix Premium Panko Alaskan Pollock Fillets! They make a great crispy fish sandwich. They’re $5.99 a box this week baby!! Normally a ripoff at $9.99.
The bottom line for me is that no one knows most of the time why prices increase, but they like to blame whoever is President at the time. Who they don't blame are the people who increase them. The people with most of the money have been doing this for generations. It's a real con.
I know quite a few store managers and they all tell me Bidenomics has ruined everything and if there are four more years, there will be bread lines.
No idea who “southern savers” are, but some of those prices seem whack on both columns. $1.29 for 1lb of butter? Mac and Cheese DOWN 35%? Salad dressing .60 a bottle? A bunch of those don’t seem realistic at all, even some of their ‘24 prices seem impossibly low.
Yes, it had nothing to do with the quadrupling of M1 money supply. Because, you know, stupid Americans are too stupid to actually shop prices and those mean ole business owners bend them over and refuse to use lube.
That is my theory. People who typically buy mostly fresh foods are like “lol, what inflation?” People who buy lots of junk foods, or already prepared/portioned foods, or who eat out a lot are taking it on the chin a bit more. It’s the burrito index. I think what a person stocks up on can mean the post-pandemic grocery inflation they actually see can vary from a modest 10% to upwards of 50% or more if you lean more toward packaged/processed. Definitely some of the major “big food” companies have raised prices more substantially. A pack of coke i think has practically doubled. I guess on that one the obvious solution is “don’t drink overpriced carbonated sugar water”. You’ll live longer. But some staples have gone up and I have sympathy for those, I saw an 8 handle on family sized box of Cheerios and thought that was pretty crazy as it was probably about $5 a few years ago. A few things like that jump out to me, but I don’t buy many things that are packaged.
Kind of a game for me too. Now retired, I have times to fuss with such things. Used to I’d just do Walmart pickup ihg a 5% back capital one Walmart card. Typically Walmart prices are lower than regular grocery stores. But now I have a Citibank shop your way card, and they run promotions. The latest is for the entire year of 2024, you can get back 10% groceries gas and restaurants, if you spend $1000, or $2000. Walmart does not qualify as a grocery store. But I’ll shop Kroger and Albertsons online and do pickup, and I’ll utilize online coupons, and tend to stock up on things on sale. I’m probably paying less than I did at Walmart, plus getting 10% back, plus additional credit card points amounting to around 2-3%. So far we’ve been reaching the $2000 a month threshold. If it looks like we will be short I’ll go in store and buy an Amazon gift card to get up to $2000.
"Fact check" is fake news... Stop propagating that phony illusion of truth. They are all literally owned and operated by lying Leftists.
I've gone back to doing what my wife and I did when we first got together, sort of--Every week, I do a Walmart delivery order for household staples including yes, the evil soda. I don't pay any fees because I have Walmart+ for free through my credit card. We will then go to Publix for certain things WM doesn't carry and for produce and selected meats.
I have no idea what that website is either, but I know my grocery bills have gone up in the 30-40% range over the last 5 years. I think most people would agree with me.
Would you please give us the names of, say, two such phonies, and tell us who operates them and how you know they're "lying leftists." Also, I'd like to know two sources of the real truth. I don't want to waste my time any longer reading fact checkers and and "lying leftists".
Funny you post this when the OP is based on a website that he admits is owned by "MAGA". The fact check came from the actual federal reserve data, and proved MAGA, once again, is lying it's ass off. It's sad that so many people like you and OP still believe them, especially when the real data is so easy to find.
It was kind of an amusing/eyeroll comment (lolrick), as mdgator literally didn’t rely on a fact checker at all. He “did his own research” using raw numbers to compare. He didn’t claim his personal “research” as anything definitive either, just that he sampled literally one data point and stopped there. I don’t think anyone doubts grocery inflation to some extent (there was a definite 2022 surge of high overall infiation), but when people throw out 50% it’s like “what are you buying?” or “where the hell do you shop?”. Like… certain individual things have obviously gone up - I named a couple high profile brands I think went up even more than 50%. But I’d doubt if my overall personal grocery bill has gone up 20% in 5 years and I’ve hardly shifted behavior at all. The only way I could see 50% is if you literally only hit the soda, junk food, and frozen food isle. Because then yeah, your “groceries” are maybe up 50% because you are paying for packaging and big food to maintain margin on “service”. Same thing that has your burrito costing 50% more at Chipotle. The raw costs of the burrito are not 50% higher.
Yep, It's a big conspiracy theory undertaken by the public on both sides to make up that prices have gone up significantly over the past 4 years... This Woman Compared Prices For The Exact Same Grocery List In 2020 vs. 2023, And Whoa
Notice the produce items are almost the same price. Can say that for many items in produce, meat, dairy. We all know eggs went up like double at some point, so if you are making a small purchase and one of the items is eggs. Voila! Inflation. Looks like “cornmeal” also went up more than $1.00 for so that was another big chunk on that comparison. It’s an interesting exercise, and as her original point (I think) was to show what is the cheapest a person could spend for a week. If one is including eggs as their protein that is going to skew things a bit vs. a person buying a larger cart of meats and produce which didn’t have the same delta. I wouldn’t call it intentionally misleading, just that it isn’t necessarily representative just as a person who loads their cart with Coke cans and frozen dinners isn’t representative.
Take eggs out of the equation and inflation still went up 38%. Not close to what you said. It's ok to just admit inflation sucks. Not sure why you keep arguing against it.