Me as well. I do, however, open up a browser occasionally where I'm not logged in just to see if I'm missing anything interesting. I never am. There are 3 posters here that I believe genuinely are pulling for Russia in this thing. While I disagree with the "we should be spending our money here" crowd, I at least understand their thinking. What I can't understand or even slightly tolerate are these people who are pulling for our enemy and the enemy of most of the civilized world in this conflict. They are, quite simply, traitors and I hope they have the opportunity to relocate to Russia...permanently.
Ukraine is not quite out of ammo, as Russia learned after a stinging defeat in Donetsk. Ukraine knocked out 8 tanks and 12 armored vehicles in a hard-fought battle. Russia is starting to use larger armored attack groups, thinking that Ukraine can be overwhelmed easily. They were mistaken. Russia ‘loses 20 armoured vehicles’ as huge tank assault fails
I blocked the guy. He doesn't add anything of value. His sources are people no one's ever heard of, and he just can't handle the truth, and then he wants to get arrogant and claim that he's never lost an argument. He's a loser with a screw loose.
why so long?? It mentions they are older apc’s. Some will require maintenance, but 9 months?? Hello… “war”. Maybe they need to give them an upgrade. I’ve seen quite a few reports the older m113 apc we sent Ukraine are very useful for them. Listened to a podcast of a group of medics supporting Ukraine (one from Canada), and specifically mentioned the m113.
I’ve only blocked two people all time on this board. They are both Russian propagandists on this thread. I just didn’t have the time or energy to be drawn into mud fights with disingenuous people. I might disagree pretty strongly with a couple others on this thread but at least they’re not just blasting Russian propaganda every post.
I haven’t had enough time to really get into it recently but when one considers the absolute inability of Western Europe to manufacture modern weapons at scale to support Ukraine, the fact that Ukraine has hung in for four months now without us aid is impressive. God only knows how much gas they have left in the tank but holy shit do they deserve better Allies than they have…
Zelensky banned "any activity" by 11 political parties and canceled last weekends election. In what appears to have been a free and fair election Putin got 87% of the vote.. Who's the dictator? 30,000 Russians a month are volunteering to join the military 1,000,000 men are wanted by the Ukrainian police for dodging the draft. Less than 20% of draft notices in Ulrail get a reresponse.. The Ukrainian people know that risking more lives with little or nothing to gain makes no sense.
He’s insulating his sensibilities from challenges to his steady regurgitated “Ukraine claims” reports.
I guess the Russians ceded even long range glide bomb airspace after losing so many jets. I thought they would proceed since they took out the two patriots but they are staying back Would Ukraine move another pair forward or was it sams with new targeting data system that has them staying back? Weren't the patriots a big part of that new targeting data system?
Hearing from people who appoint enemies and cartoonize them that people like me are incredibly stupid.
From the source that reported Russian ships sunk which were photographed miraculously afloat and undamaged the next day.