Although I cannot say with certainty I think "at home" refers strictly to food purchased at grocery stores. Food purchased through delivery services is essentially food prepared by and purchased from restaurants with the addition of home delivery service.
I actually think that alternative would be more effective than any type of government mandate and it's essentially a market-based solution to high prices and excessive profits in contrast to government price controls considering that it's the supermarket chains that actually purchase the food products from the manufacturers rather consumers who buy the products from the retailers.
If you belong to Publix' free shopper club thing, opt in for emails, normally log in with your phone number when you're checking out at the store and then don't go for a couple of weeks, they start loading $2 off $10 or $5 off $30 coupons in your account. You also get free stuff on your birthday and "half birthday" (B'day + 6 months.)
Publix always seems to have some kind of BOGO/BTGO deals on stuff. Like maybe those English muffins and coldbrew I bought were overpriced, but I'm well stocked up
I see this article is more inline with what I think most people are seeing at the grocery store regarding inflation. 44% is a big increase. How Much Have Grocery Prices Increased? Comparing 2019 vs. 2024 By adding up the prices from 2019 and the prices from 2024 for the same items, it would take $92 today to buy the same items that only cost about $64 in 2019. This is an overall percentage increase of almost 44%!
We have found publix bogos are often the same price or even still a few cents more than what wal mart sells. Same brand,same size. We use wal mart pickup to avoid the hassle of dealing with wal mart. Still, there is the occasional great buy like 2 for 1 fage greek yogurt that well look for here and there but overall their prices have just gotten absurd. It isn't just junk food either as they cut their broccoli stalks in half and kept the price similar to what they used to sell it for. We buy produce at a local produce mart at half the price among other veggies and fruits. Also, egg prices are often double what Aldi sells them for. Same with bread.
It’s a game for me now. My grocery store specials run Wednesday to Tuesday. I am online wed morning to see what’s on sale. I think I saved 75 dollars last week alone, and that’s before the difference between store and named brands. I get mad when I have to pay full price for something these days. its funny because monthly income and buying power for me has never been higher and I’m wealthier than I’ve ever been. But I just hate being taken.
I hear you my friend is adamant that Publix is better. I have started getting our dry goods delivered from Walmart and let her buy all the meat. Sometimes produce is cheap at Aldi but their selection is limited.
You can't taste the difference in their knockoff chips ahoy and their knockoff oreos are even accepted by my wife who is an Oreo snob. We have cut back on junk food overall due to price increases and honestly don't miss it much.
There's nothing I hate more than a grocery store run, I pay the idiot tax at Publix so it can be over sooner. Not devoting 30 minutes of planning and extra driving for an ALDI/Costco run. That being said, I go generic/Publix brand on anything basic. Not paying more for brand name trash bags lol.
To each their own and I agree somewhat. Not worth chasing a few pennies for the inconvenience of bargain shopping but for us it's easy since we live near several stores and only have to set foot in 1 or 2 at most. I'm with oragator. Actually making more and have more wealth than ever but it's principle for us. Literally spend nearly half as much a week for the same products. Same with gas. Won't drive out the way for a bargain but buccees is on my way to work and charged $3.03 for regular while most were charging $3.60.
My grocery store is about 200 yards from my house so it’s easy, I can walk sometimes if it’s nice weather. And the gas station is there too, between the two of them that’s 80 percent or more of the things I need each month. The gas station I don’t tend to spend a bunch, because the stations out where I hike are like 20 cents cheaper a gallon, so I do gas when I’m out there. But I will put a full dollars if I’m between hikes and need it.
That's basically Publix for me. Its super close, enough where I can run there for anything quickly. I tend to rotate where I shop, but anything else is much more of a trip if its for weekly necessities.
My son likes the double stuff Oreo knockoffs. They really aren’t bad. I have never done a blind tast test though
Four double stuffs are roughly a full days RDA of sugar for a woman, 5 or 6 for a man. Stuff is crazy unhealthy, but it is good.