In a stroke of genius, MAGA has come up with an online Biden-Mart which shows how much grocery store prices have gone up under the Democratic regime: BIDEN MART ( The Biden Mart helps to fill in the blanks on why middle- and lower-class America is ready to make Trump only the second President to be elected after first having been voted out of office. Grocery store prices up over 50% from January 2021 to January 2024 is tough on the living from pay day to pay day crowd.
So I decided to look at this. Let's start with the first one: Apples, 2 Pound bag. Now, the claim on the website is that it went from $1.89 to $3.99, a 111.11% difference. The data shows something different, however. The price of apples when Trump left office was 2.57% higher than now. So that seems false right there. Producer Price Index by Commodity: Special Indexes: Apples Not a good look when the first thing posted is obviously not true.
Sure, we'll take your opinion vs a reputable linked source because Trumpers are 100% more reliable than any facts. LOL
Great OP … Took just one post from someone with the ability to fact check to show MAGA are a bunch of liars….
Guess it depends on the apple and the location, but the CPI would be the one to check although the data was extracted from USDA data. There are apples that run up the flagpole far more than what you are saying.
Food at home has barely moved compared to incomes and well below other decades. Eating out is simply a bigger part of people's spend. Looks like grocery store prices seem to be negligible and the mix to eating out is driving a lot of the increase. If I am reading correctly. This was through 2022. In 2023 at home prices up another 1% and eating out was up another 5%.
I wonder if "at home" includes Door Dash and Uber Eats or if they're only intending to include food that people purchase and prepare themselves to eat at home?
Interesting. What i feel I see is junk food prices soaring. A bag of Chips is over $6 in many places. But I've noticed things like bananas havent moved much at all. Its almost like supply and demand is showing us what our unhealthy society wants to buy
Wasn’t this the same poster who guaranteed there would be a red wave last midterms? Lol. Good to see you showing your face here again after that embarrassing failure of a prediction.
Bananas never move. It could be 2075, the middle of ww3 and we're all living in undergrounds bunkers and Bananas will still be at 60 cents per lb.
There is definitely grocery store price gouging going on with certain products. The answer is government interference in the industry. Which we've been lectured for years is socialism. Pick your poison.
The even shorter answer is that if people spent their money on decent food and bought store or generic brands where they were being gouged, prices would magically come down quickly on a ton of items. If you look at the difference between name brand items and store or generic brands, the difference is often double or triple. And yet people keep buying the higher priced ones, despite there being no difference on the vast majority of the products. I mean, how badly can a generic mess up a can of diced tomatoes or kidney beans? But the pandemic taught the major food companies they could charge more and lose little business, and they took it to heart. Consumers hold the key to helping drive prices back down. Stop buying garbage stuff like it’s a staple food, and stop buying overpriced named brands. I for one will never go back to many named brands. They gouged the public and bragged about it. You don’t get to just say “sorry” and it’s all better.
The people overpaying typically at like a Publix mostly don't care about the difference between a $6 and a $10 12-pack of soda. Everyone else has made those adjustments where they can.
As a father of two youngins, one of which said "nana" before even saying "momma" or "dada" I'm forever grateful to the cheap "nana" via coup.
This is another option to deal with the issue and no, I’m not endorsing it. Pepsi and Lay’s pulled from supermarkets in Europe over price increases