No idea which unenlightened troll used that language, but the realities on the ground, in the air, and at sea don’t support it. I certainly wish we were doing more to help Ukraine. A lot more. But there’s no question Russia should have decisively defeated Ukraine a long time ago, even with Western material assistance. The fact that they didn’t and haven’t speaks strongly to Ukrainian national will, Russian military incompetence, and to a lesser extent international aid to Ukraine. But that third factor would mean nothing without the first two. Russia is going to have to achieve some kind of major breakthrough on the ground (not just the perpetual threat of one coming) before their agents can credibly mouth off about anything decisive. And that may still happen. No idea. Hope not. But it is possible.
I am with you, there are many reasons to support Ukraine, I think people overlook one. They have exposed just how incompetent Russia is on the battlefield. In my mind, Ukraine has done us a huge favor by clearly demonstrating this and possibly allowing us to shift resources to the Pacific.
Remember how the West was going to see Putin ousted, his country weakened and Crimea “returned” to Ukraine and 1991 borders restored ?
Ukrainian counter-offensive, prepared for over a year, crushed with tens of thousands killed, stronghold of Bakhmut taken, “fortress of fortresses” Avdeevka rolled over, Russia remorselessly pushing West. Zelensky laments running out of men and weapons and without continuing and robust support, from the U.S., all is lost. Putin didn’t ask me to say this. I just read the Western media.
Agreed to an extent. But only if Russia is ultimately defeated. If in the end, they accomplish their objectives (even their embarrassingly scaled back objectives), then we have a bigger problem than we started with. Important for us all to remember that while Ukraine’s survival as a nation and a democracy is intrinsically important, the larger issue for avoiding global conflict is detering China. And the lesson China takes away from this war is critical. It could be “Throw enough resources and manpower at Taiwan and/or the SCS, and the liberal democracies will ultimately be too cautious, too easily fatigued, and too distracted by petty domestic politics to resist for as long as it takes.” Or it could be, “The liberal democracies have superior weaponry and will use their economic advantage to grind up the flower of our armed forces at minimal risk to their own. The juice is not worth the squeeze.” That’s up to us.
Me in 1996: “Damn! The Huskers are dismembering us and bludgeoning us with our own limbs!” THFSG: “Okay, Husker fan.”
Yep. It’s merely a delivery platform. Cool F16 fact if Aviation Week and Space Tech magazine know their shiz,,, The F16 has a 1.13 to 1 thrust to weight ratio allowing it to do a true vertical climb.
To be fair in continuing the analogy, you also would have been unapologetically outright rooting for the Huskers from the opening kick.
I’d prefer marveling at how good they are. But to fine-tune the analogy, I’d be watching the game, as a lifelong Gator fan, learning only recently that UF was pulling out all the stops to see Tom Osborne ousted and the NU program weakened.