I see it as paramount and huge for NATO, Europe and of course U.S. foreign policy. A legacy of the cold war, a legacy written in blood related to U.S. startegic intrests in big shooting conflicts such as Korea, Vietnam and countless proxie wars.
Actually, it’s a win-win for China. A Russia that wins and upends the American-led, rules-based order in Europe benefits China. And a Russian collapse benefits China. The only situation that does not benefit China is what you have right now: a draining stalemate with no end in sight that slowly siphons off Chinese strength in supporting it. They need Russia to get moving or get losing.
Polish Minister Says NATO Discussing Shooting Down Russian Missile Incursions I would say, “It’s about time.” NATO should have extended its SAM umbrella to the Ukrainian frontier two years ago and shot down any Russian missiles that enter its engagement zone. Let’s get this going.
Pootie engaging in some brinksmanship flying missiles over NATO territory on their way to kill Ukrainian kids. If they cross NATO airspace, take 'em out. Proof will be the wreckage of russkie missiles on Polish soil.
Just to be clear, I’m advocating shooting down any Russian missiles that come near NATO airspace, even if we believe they are aimed at targets in western Ukraine. Russia can suck it and throw out another empty threat if they don’t like it.
Putin conducting genocide two or three apartment residents at a time using multi-million dollar high precision missiles.
This is admittedly a one sided view (and a long 60 tweet thread), but it all has some truth in it. Shows just what Russia is sacrificing.
The Brits say that Ukraine needs these things from the U.S. to win the war: Patriot missile batteries and missiles, artillery shells, M-1 Abrams tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles. They say that four of Ukraine's Abrams tanks are believed to be destroyed, and many more are out of service and need extensive maintenance. The good news is that the U.S. has thousands of these tanks in storage, so there is no reason not to send over more tanks (hopefully in bigger numbers this time). Also good news: once the new Texas artillery factory comes on line, the U.S. will have expanded its artillery production capacity by SIX TIMES what it was in 2022. The only challenges will be finding the money to pay for several new Patriot systems, which are $1 billion each. If they help get the job done, then they are worth the cost. Supposedly, "tens of billions of dollars" will be made available to support Ukraine's war effort. Just three weapons will turn the Ukraine war back around. And the USA is back in the fight
Finally, the Ukrainian people have received their Obamaphones, and are using them to detect Russian drones by putting them on six-foot poles all around the countryside. They have been waiting over eight years for their phones, but they were lost by the U.S. Postal Service. Ukraine is also struggling to pay their AT&T bill, so if you have any spare coin lying around, please send to "Ukraine AT&T Bill Payment, P.O. Box 2391, Washington, D.C. 20012". How Ukraine is using mobile phones on 6ft poles to stop drones
Polish prime minister calls out Mike Johnson on Ukraine aid Polish PM warns House Speaker Mike Johnson that ‘thousands of lives’ are at risk due to failure to pass more Ukraine aid
russian missile guys got a beef with russian pilots?.......just sending a message to the f-16 pilots? Russian proxy: Russian warplane 'crashes' off Crimean coast (msn.com) A Russian military plane crashed into the sea near occupied Crimea, the Russian-installed head of Sevastopol, Mikhail Razvozhayev, claimed on March 28. Razvozhayev alleged that the pilot ejected on time and was picked up by rescuers from the Sevastopol Rescue Service some 200 meters from the shore. ............. According to claims shared on the Crimean Wind Telegram channel, the plane was accidentally shot down by Russia's own forces. The channel alleged that the plane was downed over Sevastopol after taking off from the Belbek military airfield. While the exact model of the plane is unclear, footage shared on Telegram channels shows what appears to be a fighter jet. Some channels identified the plane as a Su-35 or a Su-27.
Yeah, I don’t care how they go down: shot down by Ukrainians, shot down by Russians, lightning strike, gremlin attack … all just as good to me.
Most of Putin's inner circle thinks he is a liar. They do not believe that the concert attack was at all related to Ukraine. Much of Putin's inner circle thinks Ukraine had nothing to do with the Moscow terror attack, badly undermining him, report says
A large never of troops from Poland, Germany and France have arrived in Cherkassy, south of Kiev. These forces will be crushed by Russia. I'f think the PET is for putting these "NATO" troops in Ukraine is coming from Macron and his puppet masters: The French military industrial complex, George and Alex Spros and others unknown. Russia is reporting the 4 terrorist in the Crocus attack had the same drugs in their systems that have been found in Ukrainian POWs. The great journalist Pepe Escobar is on the case. Proceed with caution: x Sor