Discussion in 'Nuttin but Net' started by GatorGrowl, Mar 19, 2024.
For real. Nasty
Jesus...he ran up Condon's back.
Damn 2 on Tyrese
2 on Samuel. Damn.
Can't believe they didn't review that foul for possible upgrade.
Colorado has learned from the Auburn game to take everything into the paint
Second on Samuel?
Penetration is always a good thing…that’s what she said
Kind of threw the ball at him too...
Gundy: “penetration is always a good thing.
Tey are just going to keep driving until we are in foul trouble. The refs are calling everything.
It's the same way they scored on Boise State.
Yuck. Both 4s with 2 fouls and our guys are playing hero ball.
Pullen got hit in the lower back they said earlier. Is he injured?
Settling for threes. Nees to be attacking the rim like Kugel is doing.
Kugel on fire today
We’re just launching threes right now. It’s not how we started.
Kugel giving us some good minutes early. That could be a very good sign.
Something must be wrong with him. No way he sits this long otherwise.
44 was in the lane for about 6 seconds.