Once I tried the faux meat stuff when it started coming out I thought most of it (outside of the sausages) was as good as regular meat. I do agree the concept of putting a lab grown brisket on the smoker for 15 hours seems pretty bizarre. But if it tastes good that's honestly all I'm that interested in. Of all the stuff that's probably going to kill me, I don't think this would be it.
My wife only eats seafood and eats all the fake other stuff. I have tried it, but it is a no go for me. Why have the fake when you can have the real thing! We are all going to die sometime from something, and I would rather die eating a big fat juicy ribeye, drinking a beer and smoking a Marlboro then live a miserable I can't eat this life!!!
I mainly do it so my cholesterol isnt sky high, so I can still eat a steak at 80 instead of being dead from heart disease
As long as it tastes good, I'll eat anything. Doesn't matter to me what it is. There's a restaurant near me that makes delicious tempeh. I order it all the time. If my wife wants to cook up some faux stuff, so be it. Make it delicious.
My wife makes a really good shredded tofu dish with mirin & scallions. 1 of my many variations of shepherd's pie is made with fake meat.
Good question. People go vegan for many reasons. Personal health, animal welfare, health of the planet..... I guess it would depend on why the person chose to be a vegan how lab grown meat stacks up on points one and three.
I mean, its still derived from an animal, and if that's why you are a vegan, I'm not sure there is all that much debate. Like if you wouldnt drink the milk of a beloved family cow who was cared for in the most ethical way possible, I'm not sure lab meat derived from the cells of a dead animal is a big game changer.
Gross. lol I’m one of those people whose head doesn’t let them eat anything like fake stuff, bugs, etc. it’s like I tell myself “It looks ok so try if, if you don’t like it then spit it out”. My head won’t let me do it without gagging.
I like good food. Not being able to eat something will not make my life miserable though. What will make my life miserable is if I couldn't get outside and do the stuff I love to do. Hard mtb riding with my oldest son, open water distance swims with my youngest, tennis with my friends. That's the stuff that is important to me, but to each his own.
Again, depends on the vegan and why they eat that way. As far as animal cruelty goes, the podcast I listened to grew chicken meat from a feather. That is substantially different level of suffering from the nastiness of chicken factory farming. Again, not sure how the health and the environmental side fairs. Maybe it is more energy intensive to grow lab meat. Maybe it is just as unhealthy, not sure.
I'll try pretty much anything. 3 worst things. Dog & frogs in Vietnam & warm, fresh Buffalo liver that some Crows tricked me into eating.
I agree 100%, but there is not much better than sitting down to a well-cooked fat juicy ribeye with a glass of wine.