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Best case scenario, the law is correct in concept and ahead of its time. Presumably, if that's the case, there will be other measures that will be implemented that will reduce the consumption of such meat. Keep in mind, we allow the sale of cigarettes. Hard to imagine that lab-grown meat would be worse for our bodies than that, but you never know. Worst case scenario, lab-grown meat may end up being a healthier alternative to natural grown meat or even if it is not specifically healthier (but not necessarily more unhealthy), it may be great for price competition (let the market dictate the direction rather than using government to prop up an industry artificially). It's the reason for the legislation that bothers me (to protect the profits of the beef industry and/or because the production of the lab-grown meat is allegedly not as God intended (loosely) - regardless of whether you believe that, should the government be tasked with enforcing the Bible?). Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Fear of change. Fear of innovation. Fear of progress. That is the GOP today. That is why all the productivity comes from blue states.
I dont think the potential for lab grown meat is in its health qualities, its still meat and presumably has the same health impact if its prepared/consumed the same way. Its about reducing the infrastructure involved in producing meat on an industrial scale from animals, its cruel to animals, has a massive environmental impact and dangerous work for people too. Just read up on the pig shit lagoons involved in pork production, caged chickens or what goes on in a slaughterhouse. If we can get rid of things like that and still enjoy meat, its a win.
It is real meat, its from an animal. The pro-life people were still against stem-cell research for the same reasons.
I don't know if lab-grown meat is safe or not, but can it be that much worse than other stuff we allow to be sold in America? Someone was telling me the other day about the plastics in our foods. Is that overblown? It seems pretty disgusting. I also recall a theory that genetically-modified wheat has been the prime driver of surges in obesity rates. Happy for us to re-evaluate all these things, but I'm skeptical of the motives behind most of the things coming out of Tallahassee these days.
What's more illogical, going ballistic over a menu choice that one would never order in the first place (fake sausage) especially when there are acceptable alternatives on the menu (pork or turkey sausage) or pointing out that such a position is illogical?
It's an interesting discussion because a lot of vegans are against the slaughter of animals. And in this sense, I'm not sure an animal would even be slaughtered initially.