As with any food, it will be regulated by the FDA and have to adhere to such standards. The legislation serves no public good. It is mainly a sellout to the beef / cattle industry, but also I’m guessing the scope of anti woke is extending to anything that a California lib might like and outlaw it.
Housing prices putting homes out of reach for many, insurance rates for both home and auto are among the highest in the country, the state leads the nation in lawsuits per capita… But they are tackling the real stuff. DEI and fake meat. Never change, Florida.
Curious how would you suggest tackling the surge in auto rates? And the high lawsuit rates? Could they be tied in part? Auto rates have risen nationwide in part due to the increase in cars values and the subsequent increase in the cost of parts and labor costs. Could the higher lawsuit rates you cite also cause higher cars ins rates also? Years ago(not sure it is still true) south florida had much higher rates due to organized teams working with crooked chiropractors to rip-off car insurance with “fake” accidents. I’m asking for a serious answer.
There are a hundred things they can do. Litigation is the biggest one, Florida took a small stab at it a few years ago but it hadn’t done much. Do something to cap or otherwise limit lawsuits and insurance rates would come down. Hurricanes are the next biggest one. They could mandate building codes that better survive storms. That would take years to truly help, but still has va,he. But the bigger thing is that flooding wipes out more homes than wind, and dunes and other natural barriers could be either sponsored by the state through grants, or encouraged through tax breaks etc. They could also limit development directly on the water, give tax breaks for those who build on stilts or other minimizing mechanisms etc. On home prices, give better tax credits for home builders for example, because supply is the biggest barrier (right there with insurance costs). Heck, if they really wanted to get radical they could start a new deal type plan where they helped build homes in conjunction with some NGO. And even if you don’t agree with that, there are hundreds of other ideas, but they don’t want to tackle the real problems because those are hard and require actual work and risk, including the risk of even admitting it’s a problem or alienating their base. So they do this garbage all day. It’s actually embarrassing, I have relatives and friends texting or telling me the crazy stuff all the time asking what’s happened to the state. And I don’t even live there anymore.
This is hilariously stupid. Who’s going to be the first arrested for illegal meat? Lmao. These FL Republicans seem intent on filing the FL code with laws that won’t be enforced, and 100 years from now people will look back and be like “WTF was wrong with those people”. This’ll go along nicely next to that “no farting after 6pm” law.
You make some good points. Current codes are very good at withstanding storms now. I had to build a new house in 2021, went all CB/impact windows/ metal Hip roof and my rates are half of what they would have been. This was my choice as I knew over time it would pay me back, and I wanted less worry. How do we address older buildings? I’d think tax credits for upgrading would be good and making it easier to get permits to do so. Certainly flooding is a an issue near the coast and I’ll all for limiting further building near the coast. However much of the severe flooding occurred well inland with Ian. Just in my area we had almost now flooding on the “barrier” island that I live on but tons of flooding miles inland not near any water. How do we address those areas? I wish we could get some caps or do something about the nickel and dime frivolous lawsuits. Often it’s cheaper to pay off a suit than go to trial. Perhaps not letting PI attorneys get a 30% cut would help? The trial lawyers on both sides would never let it happen. They all get paid one way or the other in many cases.
Things the liberals got in the culture war: Football NASCAR Bud Light TSwift Cracker Barrel Vegas could have made a mint letting you bet on this.