Florida Is on Its Way to Banning — and Criminalizing — Alternative Meat Republicans moving to ban and criminalize lab grown meat. Not surprising from the Big government / Big brother republicans.
Does it occur to anyone that we’re voting for two parties whose policies FAR exceed the parameters enumerates in the Constitution that we pretend to revere ?
While I don’t think it should be banned, there should be some detailed study as to the health effects of lab grown meat. People should be sure it isn’t mixed in and find its way into “regular” meats and should be clearly marked as well While man has been pretty good at improving things nature seems to be the best at making our food….
All I wanna do is wear a skirt and smoke a doobie while eating my lab grown meat. Stupid Not Free Florida.
Only upside of pan-panic I can think of: I heard boo about food fears. Remember when there were two types of Americans, those who were gluten-sentive and those who wanted to be gluten-sensitive ?
You cant even buy it yet unless you have a great deal of money. Its still years away from the open market. This is pointless preemption for culture war points and donor service.
There have been plenty of studies on psychedelics and weed. (The weed are limited due to the lack of good control methods, users aren’t super reliable as to their ingestion). BTW those are federal bans..
my statement, as I am sure you know, is true. Gov bans have prevented studies on weed & psychedelics. In fact, i only need to cite 1, to make my claim true. Ray Battalio was prevented from studying the effects of weed on productivity. Certainly don't know what you mean by plenty. This is from 2020 for god's sakes. Cannabis research stalled by federal inaction Researchers in the US who want to investigate the medical benefits and risks of cannabis are frustrated. They would like to evaluate the wide array of cannabis products sold in states where cannabis is legal, but federal law prohibits them from doing so because cannabis is still illegal at the federal level. Most studies on the therapeutic effects of cannabis have relied on synthetic formulations of specific chemicals made by cannabis plants, such as the cannabinoids tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)—the psychoactive component of cannabis—and cannabidiol (CBD). A few researchers have looked at the efficacy of whole cannabis plants to treat chronic pain, but no clinical studies have been conducted on cannabis products purchased from state-authorized dispensaries. US researchers can only study the effects of cannabis using plant material grown by the University of Mississippi under contract with the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Restrictions on Psilocybin 'Magic Mushrooms' Are Easing as Research Ramps Up | Scientific American After a flurry of research in the 1950s and 1960s, psilocybin and all other psychedelics were abruptly banned, partly in response to their embrace by the counterculture. Following the 1971 United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances, psilocybin was classed in the U.S. as a Schedule I substance—defined as having “no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.” Psilocybin production was limited, and a host of administrative and financial burdens effectively ended study for decades. “It's the worst censorship of research in history,” says David Nutt, a neuropsychopharmacologist at Imperial College London.
Maga is very concerned about “woke” meat. by just offering it as a choice… “Cracker Barrel begin carrying Impossible Sausage, a meatless breakfast patty made from plants. "You just lost the customer base, congratulations on being woke and going broke," commented one user…….Don’t you ever try to push that cr** in my direction……I just lost respect for a once great Tennessee company," wrote another irate customer.” While some fans ripped Cracker Barrel a new one, some came to defend the new menu option. "Y’all really need to grow up. Absolutely no one asked you to eat this. I won’t eat it, but I am glad the options are there for those who will. Imagine being this triggered by breakfast," ‘Congratulations on being woke’: Cracker Barrel customers irate over adding plant-based sausage to menu
Logically it would seem that if they don't want to eat a plant-based meat substitute they do not have to order it. They still have the option of ordering pork or turkey sausage although I guess that logical thinking is not a characteristic usually associated with MAGA nation.