What seems dumb to the dimwit and might look like brilliant analysis midwife blowhards getting high on their own farts Same analogy I've used What might seem dumb to a dimwit or midwit blowhard getting high on his own farts might look like solid analysis to someone who's IQ is 140+. People who have followed me on X (twitter) include Scott Ritter, Scott Adams, "b" at Moon of Alabama, John O'Sullivan (former National*Review editor), and a well known European leader who has given the highest praise imaginable to my geopolitical analysis. What you say about my posts says more about you than me. It is cheap entertainment though, so please continue.
Here's some good info from "b" at Moon of Alabama. The posts embedded in the link below were written around 3 months or so before we learned that Russia had Intel indicating Ukraine was going to invade eastern Ukraine (Donetsk and Luhamsk, aka the Donbas) with 100,000 troops (I've also heard the number was 60,000). Zelensky has admitted his army was going to invade the Donbas. Obviously thousands of ethnic Russians would have been killed. Russia defended the the ethnic Russians using the same justification the US used to bomb Serbia. https://www.moonofalabama.org/2023/02/the-buildup-to-war-in-ukraine-closure.html
Gas prices at the pump are creeping upwards, apparently due to concern of all the Russian capacity off-line with its multiple refineries being blasted by Ukrainian drones, in addition to OPEC cutbacks. Gas in west Florida is up about 10-15% from a couple weeks ago. Oil Holds Weekly Advance After More Russian Refineries Attacked
So your circle jerk of followers, who happen to lack credibility, is an indication of your intelligence? Is your European leader from Hungary, by any chance? These mentally-stunted people are following you because you share the same delusions that they have, not because of your (limited) intellect.
What a foolish, ignorant post! If Putin had any indication that Ukraine was going to send troops into Donbas and kill thousands of ethnic Russians, he would have LET UKRAINE DO IT, and THEN INVADE. He would have had actual justification for his war, and the U.S. and Europe would not have fought a proxy war through Ukraine. Extremely ignorant of you to believe that Putin cared so much about the lives of a few thousand Russians in Donbas, that he would initiate a war over it and unleash hell on his own troops by inviting the west to arm Ukraine. Putin sacrifices thousands of Russian lives without batting an eye, if it brings him closer to an objective. His hero is Joseph Stalin. Had Zelenskyy invaded Donbas and started killing ethnic Russians at will, there is essentially no way that the west supports Ukraine militarily if Russia responds to that, and no way that Ukraine stays in this war for two solid years without that support. So either Putin is an extreme moron, or your sources are full of s--t.
People in eastern Europe want Putin to run out of time. People in Russia and elsewhere are risking their lives to protest Putin's undemocratic and illegitimate rule. Flash mob protests overshadow Putin’s victory in sham election
Some of you like to imply that I'm not very bright but I did get a 50/50 on the Wonderlic. Your understanding of WW2 is no better than what you know about the Ukraine war..
Low IQ post. Ukraine had been shelling Donbas for a week+ before Russia invaded. Ukraine fired over 2000 artillery shells at ethnic Russians on Feb 23 alone. Ukraine had killed 10,000+ Russian-speakets since 2014 and the number of ethnic Russian speakers killed was about to explode when Putin went into Ukraine.
I asked the Euro leader if I was the smartest female geopolitical thinker in the world and he said "Yes you are." I'm at roughly the 99.91 percentile of intelligence (Ziq 147) so keep telling me how limited my capacity is, how I'm a liar, a useful idiot etc. You're the one with a 2 year history of getting the Ukraine War wrong.
The situation is different. War in Europe started two years ago. Most of Europe and half the United States have not woken up to the very real possibility of a wider conflict especially if Ukraine ends up losing which is more and more likely with republicans dithering uselessly in congress. All of nato should be ramping up production and many smaller members are striving to do so but the larger major western powers are being retarded about it. That includes the US. That’s not sewing discord. That’s just stating fact. The UK just happens to be the poster child of the problem even though they’ve increased spending they haven’t increased capacity or recruiting. The US is also idly sitting by and the only reason production is increasing at all is because the defense industry wants to make some money.
Warning: Satire Holiday travelers, answering leaders call, protest as check-ins open WASHINGTON - On the day before Thanksgiving travelers protested air planes' emissions, by forming long lines as flight check-ins were opening - answering a call by the late deaf Thomas, and undercutting preliminary congestion reports.
147 IQ. Sounds familiar to a former troll poster. Former Too Hot libertarians (lol) reincarnating as Russian propaganda bots. It’s the latest craze, apparently.