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Breaking News: Pence won’t support Trump for president

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by citygator, Mar 15, 2024.

  1. Contra

    Contra GC Hall of Fame

    May 15, 2023
    The question is not "Is he a hero?" The question is "Is Pence right? Is Pence's reasoning sound?" If Trump is wavering on abortion, then it is definitely Christian to not endorse the man on those grounds. Despite the protestations to the contrary, abortion is a huge line in the sand that separates Christians from non-Christians. Trump needs to be careful. He cannot win the Presidency without pulling the voters who deeply care about abortion. His one big redeeming quality on his resume thus far is his success in getting Roe vs. Wade repealed. If he falters on abortion, then he won't win. But more important than worrying about a referendum at the polls, there is a God that hates abortion. If you love what God hates or half-heartedly approve of such things, then you are in a state of peril. That should worry him.
  2. higator85

    higator85 All American

    May 20, 2020
    cool story bro.
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  3. JustaGator

    JustaGator All American

    Sep 6, 2015
    Somewhere in Time
    Trump will not win the 2024 election.

    He lost last time by 10 million voters and that was before he staged an insurrection to remain in power, overturned Roe vs. Wade, and split his own party further.

    He is a liar - not a billionaire, not a businessman, not sent by God - just by Putin - a mess of a human being who is just a spoiled brat at his core.

    He was handed millions by a racist slumlord father, stole millions more from his family, and bankrupted himself 5 times before the Russians came to him to launder money in his casinos, in his properties (ask his kids!), and then managed to get kompromat over him during his visit to Russia in the late '80s.

    Since that time they maneuvered him towards the 2016 election, first with his Obama birtherism, which hooked the racists in our midst who couldn't handle a black man as President, especially one that didn't have ANY indictments in his administration, unlike the Trump administration's 215 (and counting) indictments.

    All of this only to gain influence over the lowest of the low in our country because they cannot fight us and win on the battlefield of ideas or like the Russians, on an actual battlefield.

    That is why he invited Russians to the White House after the election after denying he had anything to do with them in the election run-up and looked completely spineless next Putin in Helsinki.

    This is why no one in his cabinet will endorse him - because he represents perfectly the class of people who vote for him - racist, xenophobic, low information, low morality, and disloyal Americans who would sell their country out like Judas for some silver coins.

    Now they are trying to get our weapons off the battlefield in Ukraine because they are being decimated by them and we have a whole party of 5th column traitors in Congress helping them destroy a country that only wants freedom from Russian occupation.

    Never thought I'd see the day when Americans, who are so proud to "water the tree of Liberty with the blood of patriots" in the name of 2nd Amendment rights - mostly over the bodies of our defenseless children gunned down by lunatics - who are all about preserving their "freedoms" and "liberty" would then try to make the argument that Ukrainians shouldn't have our help to do the same so they can also enjoy those freedoms (of course minus the leading cause of dead kids in OUR country - the Russians are doing fine killing innocent Ukrainian children on their own).

    Hypocrites, who have bent themselves into an impossible tangle of pretzels with their illogical, dangerous, and half-baked conspiracy theories.

    How else can you explain their obsession with pedophiles and bathrooms when they worship a pedophile who was buddies with Epstein and who obsesses over how many imaginary flushes it takes to clear out a toilet!

    Maybe they should put their heads in a toilet and keep flushing until they wash the toxins from their brains that keeps making them believe a criminal and traitor as President seem logical.

    It would definitely complete the circle they are trying to square.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2024
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  4. citygator

    citygator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    It’s like not supporting Al Capone because he didn’t pay taxes. o_O Utterly bizarre reasoning.
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  5. philnotfil

    philnotfil GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    I agree, but my concern here is that most of this we knew about Trump before 2016, and he still got elected president. Then he added on all the crazy stuff that he did while president, and the GOP still wanted him as their candidate. Then he added on all the absolutely insane stuff that he did since then, and they still want him. I can't explain what has happened to our country, but it is going to take years to get our politics functional again.
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  6. Contra

    Contra GC Hall of Fame

    May 15, 2023
    So sanctity of life is roughly equivalent to not paying your taxes??? o_O That would explain why you are so all in on the DNC. Pence is a Christian, and he would say abortion is murder. Hence why he would never vote for Joe Biden. Murder is a serious serious issue. It is a much bigger deal than not paying your taxes.
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  7. gatorjo

    gatorjo GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 24, 2024
    Trump is a criminal and a traitor.

    Anyone who cares about America and distances themselves from Trump should have the spine to articulate that THAT is the reason they are doing so.

    Anyone who DOESN'T care about America can vote for a traitor who gleefully watched for over 3 hours while, during the violent component of his conspiracy to overturn an election, hundreds of cops were beaten.
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  8. Contra

    Contra GC Hall of Fame

    May 15, 2023
    Who are you talking about not being a candidate? Pence? Pence has a right to express his views regardless of whether he is a candidate or not.
  9. l_boy

    l_boy 5500

    Jan 6, 2009
    You think Trump is worried what God thinks about him?

    Your post is really disturbing.
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  10. Contra

    Contra GC Hall of Fame

    May 15, 2023
    There is a long history of civilization to study that can very easily show people backstab other people to gain political power. Some millennia ago such backstabbings were quite literal. Even now we still know this impulse exists in human nature. These things still happen in the world today. If the left is right in their inward focused self-deprecating criticisms of our country, then the US is also capable of stooping to the lowest levels of human corruption. We are not immune or necessarily morally exceptional in that regard. This is why I am skeptical of the several occurrences where a high profile politician is accused of a crime and prosecuted for a crime, especially when the timing of such a trial or prosecution is so perfectly convenient for the opposition party. The motive and the opportunity is there for such a backstabbing. It would not be extraordinary based on what we know about history if a politician was falsely accused and falsely prosecuted for something they did not do. This goes beyond Trump. It also includes Supreme Court nominees like Kavannah. And we haven’t even discussed all the things that happened that have led to all of the jokes about knowing something about the Clintons. Now politicians do things that are corrupt. There are people like Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump who certainly have done things that are clearly immoral and/or corrupt. In the case of Nixon he was caught red handed and he resigned his office. Nonetheless, not everything Trump is accused of is necessarily true. If you want to lap up everything the media has told you is true, then that is your choice. They are clearly playing for the team who would have every motive to backstab our former President. The political power they seek would be within their grasp if they could depose him.
  11. Emmitto

    Emmitto VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Who would hitch their horse to this wagon?

    I wonder about the legit slobberers like Noem.

    Literally no upside. At some point you’ll be the scapegoat for all the crimes. You will never be recipient of credit for anything good.

    How thirsty do you have to be to guarantee your own doom?
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  12. Contra

    Contra GC Hall of Fame

    May 15, 2023
    No, I do not think Trump fears God. I believe he is in a state of peril. Given his age, his health, the number of enemies he has, he could be a breath away from passing into judgment. But that is the state of a lot of people. One way or another they’ve soothed themselves into a state of complacent ignorance about the true danger of ignoring and dismissing the living God.

    I think Trump acknowledges the importance of the religious vote. He knows he needs it to win, but collecting votes is a sad reason to do the right thing. I don’t think God will count that as something good if that is the reason Trump opposes abortion. If the entire motive amounts to a pragmatic strategy to win an election, then his deeds are worthless. Now they might abound to a greater good for others, but there is nothing to commend Trump for if his motivations are self-centered.
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  13. gatorjo

    gatorjo GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 24, 2024
    In other words, you have no problem voting for a criminal traitor. Gotcha
  14. ajoseph

    ajoseph Premium Member

    Jan 15, 2008
    This is the most important point that routinely is lost in all the noise. An alarming sum of people who worked in his administration - Cabinet and high level positions - have gone in record stating what a terrible leader he was.
    And if that’s not enough, look at the insane number of people who worked for him — either in his companies or in the Administration— who plead guilty to crimes.

    And yet Trumpeteers pretend not to know or not to care.
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  15. ajoseph

    ajoseph Premium Member

    Jan 15, 2008
    I’m laughing because you, like so many others, think Trump even cares about abortion. He’s changed his tune so many times that it is clear at least to me, that he says only what will secure more votes and anger towards others.
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  16. JustaGator

    JustaGator All American

    Sep 6, 2015
    Somewhere in Time
    Then why does Trump's administration have 215 indictments and multiple convictions with the ex-President leading the pack with over 90?

    How do you explain away what Americans watched his entire administration leading up to his insurrection on January 6th.

    You can try to explain it away as a conspiracy, but we have tapes of him saying the words that led a mob to the Capitol, convictions of those who listened to the words, and jail time for people who were obviously not in the FBI, but were in the most prominent cases, right-wing extremists bent on violently overthrowing the government.

    He is obviously not working for the best interests of America if his largest accomplishment was giving a tax break to the wealthiest Americans and for corporations to buy back their own stock and lying about building a wall so he could get the low information American voter to vote for him to do so.

    Oh, and presiding over the horse-deworming and bleach miracles he felt would prevent the million dead Americans he got instead from COVID.

    Which is not in the rear view mirror and didn't "magically disappear" and is still killing 1500 Americans a week in this country.

    Even a moron can see he won't criticize Vladimir Putin, and indeed looks like a whipped schoolboy standing next to him. Cozying up to dictators, telling us American troops who bleed and die for country are "suckers" as are those who were POWs.

    What pretzel logic you must live by to give this turd of a human the benefit of the doubt for each and every indictment, for each of the foul words that come out of his mouth.

    Now he wants a "bloodbath" if he doesn't win the 2024 election! Oh on cue - tell me how he was talking about the auto industry, not an actual bloodbath... pathetic!

    It is clear to most Americans what you and the rest of the deluded refuse to believe - Trump is a clear and present danger to the Republic!

    His insatiable greed, inflated ego, outright stupidity, and selling himself out to the Russian mob should be recognized and understood by all Americans at this point with half a brain.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2024
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  17. channingcrowderhungry

    channingcrowderhungry Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Bottom of a pint glass

    Yeah. I can't imagine an ex vice president has ever not endorsed his former president. Maybe it happened, I dunno. This won't move the needle for MAGA at all, but it's pretty incredible
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  18. G8tas

    G8tas GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 22, 2008
    I'm pretty sure Christians don't support rape either, but for some reason it gets ignored when it comes to a presidential election
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  19. BLING

    BLING GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 16, 2007
    I think accusing him of “walking away from the constitution” is pretty damning as a non-endorsement. It’s basically calling him a traitor, which he is.

    But Pence’s delivery is typically mealy mouthed. We’ve seen several Republicans straddle bizarre lines in the last couple years. Saying things like Trump should be criminally charged (or at least strongly implying he’s unfit to be the nominee), then when asked the follow up if they would support him as the Republican nominee if/when he wins: “Absolutely!”.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2024
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  20. Contra

    Contra GC Hall of Fame

    May 15, 2023
    Here is the problem. You have to trust well known and well documented liars to reach your synthesis. These are the people who lied about the Hunter Biden laptop, which was a HUGE lie because of its implications on the 2020 election. There was no Russian disinformation tied to that laptop. That was a massive lie concocted by the DNC to subvert justice so that the Democrats could capture the White House. These are the people who fabricated the Steele Dossier and the Russian collusion hoax because they lost the 2016 election. These people are evil, and nothing they say can be believed when the lie has anything to do with potentially gaining political power. There is no lie big enough they would not be willing to tell to win the White House in 2024.

    That does not necessarily clear Trump's name with regards to everything, but it certainly casts a shadow over this claim that this is one of the surest most guaranteed things in the universe that only MAGA sheep question. Lying to the public when it is politically expedient to avoid a criminal prosecution that would damage a Presidential candidate's campaign for the white house is strike one. That has a cost: the erosion of public trust. You tell a lie, and you are marked a liar. It is the normalization of this lying and corruption, coupled with an MSM that also lies and covers for the corrupt liars that is a threat to democracy. So, we know the DNC and the MSM are willing to lie to win an election. We know they are willing to subvert justice by telling lies for a guilty man if it will win them an election.

    Lying and fabricating the Steele Dossier is strike two. That was a lie to frame a political opponent. After the Steele Dossier, if you trust the DNC and the MSM to tell you the truth, then that is a sad state to see a person in.

    Strike 3 is all of the lies surrounding the BLM martyrs. This is another example of an MSM and a DNC that cannot resist any lie they can parlay into more political power.

    These are horrible dishonest people with terrible character that you have to believe to arrive at your synthesis.
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