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Gator Baseball 2024 OFFICIAL ROSTER/Transfer Tracker/Lineup???

Discussion in 'GatorGrowl's Diamond Gators' started by Matherly87, Jun 6, 2023.

  1. TheBoss

    TheBoss Premium Member

    Jun 22, 2010
    I see former players as not much different from other fans- some are rich, some aren't- but that still is a pretty small group. It's the people who attend games- frequently or seldom- who follow the games from near or far or who just care about success of Gator baseball who ought to chip in. I have to pay Gator Booster premiums to buy my tix, but I make a monthly Victorious donation because it goes directly to the players. They accept dinky donations and I buy the argument that a few bucks a month adds up over time and one-time donations matter, too.

    Rather than picking a tiny fraction of the Gator bsb community, players, I'd rather urge the people sitting around me at games to chip in. Any regular participant on this site ought to contribute and I hope a small portion of the membership fees and ad revenue from this site goes to NIL, as well as advertisers themselves. I'm pleased that the Dugout Club is looking for avenues to help NIL, for example, the revenue from their fall golf tournament went to Victorious. Donating to UF or to UAA is a good thing, but donating for bsb NIL is critical.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. TheBoss

    TheBoss Premium Member

    Jun 22, 2010
    I'm not quite obnoxious enough to reply to every post that says Gator bsb needs to pay more NIL, "Are you contributing to Victorious?" But it's an appropriate thing to ask.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. gatorsfan17_

    gatorsfan17_ Freshman

    Jul 19, 2023
    "O'Sullivan said that while he is not ready to remove players from his rotation, a shuffling of the order could be in store and changes are always on the table." It'll be interesting to see what comes of this...
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. tenfold

    tenfold GC Legend

    Oct 31, 2023
    Where the crawfish stay.
    Thanks Apkgator.
    I appreciate the thoughts.
    I get it and agree. Man it’s insane the direction college athletics and the amount of money these kids make..
    I am a pretty successful earner but busted it half my life to get there. We are very generous to the community and church but certainly not going to funnel money to college athletes and certainly not high school players.
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  5. TheBoss

    TheBoss Premium Member

    Jun 22, 2010
    That's a common attitude, but do you pay to go to movies or watch streaming produced by and starring super rich people. Do you pay for groceries or clothing or gasoline at businesses that enrich owners and stockholders.

    College athletes, as well as pro athletes and TV and movie producers and actors, are entertainers who work for a living. I go to a few concerts a year and it takes my breath away when I see the price of tix.

    I know that most college sports fans don't contribute directly to the costs of winning teams, but I chip in a few bucks and I wish more Gator fans, especially baseball fans, would do the same.

    I never have been especially impressed with LSU fans as human beings, but they do a good job of financial support. Gators WON'T win more games because some fans wish things were like the old days, even though those fans may be very nice people.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. tenfold

    tenfold GC Legend

    Oct 31, 2023
    Where the crawfish stay.
    That’s really good points Boss.
    There are a 100 different angles to view this subject. I certainly do not believe my opinion even matters.
    When I graduated school I owed $150,000 in student loans. I did research and treated patients and never received a nickel. I paid to do such things and still paying. when I go to college venues I pay a premium for tickets. Same with concerts and shows. Ticket prices are very expensive.
    I sent my wife and daughter out of state to Taylor Swift. Ouch that was a load. lol
    The amazing part of college athletics is a percentage of highly paid athletes also have zero tuition debt, world class nutrition, medical and emotional services, along with room and board and a degree if they chose. And, they leave with zero financial responsibility.
    The value of that alone is great compensation.
    I have friends that are residents in specialized medicine that work 60-80 hours a week and can barely buy a McDonalds cheeseburger and owe north of $350,000 in loans. It’s just weird that there is such a premium for entertainment and winning.
    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. TheBoss

    TheBoss Premium Member

    Jun 22, 2010
    I won't get started on the scam of student loans- far more insane than NIL. I'm happy that sports donations are voluntary and anyone who doesnt like another fee probably is a normal person. My central point is messy NIL is what we have until the same people who won't improve the unfair student loan mess generates a fix for NIL. I'm annoyed by fans who complain about LSU and others who spend huge amounts on NIL, but want someone other than themselves to put up NIL cash for Gator teams.

    My only student loan was $1500, but it was as a time when tuition was around $125/quarter, gas was under $0.20 and there wasn't a McDonads in Gvl. $30/mo to pay it off was bad enough.
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    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
    • Wish I would have said that Wish I would have said that x 1
  8. TheBoss

    TheBoss Premium Member

    Jun 22, 2010
    First time I've seen Guy make a throw that mattered: deep dead center to third after a fly out, in the air, made it a close play on the tag up runner. Robertson has a good arm, but that throw was exceptional.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. paidinfull

    paidinfull GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 22, 2017
    Colby got after him for throwing over him.
  10. manigordo

    manigordo GC Hall of Fame

    I think you should tell Sully. I will watch.:emoji_popcorn:
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. TheBoss

    TheBoss Premium Member

    Jun 22, 2010
    I wouldn't post this comment if the writer didn't agree with me, but he does so very nicely. D1Baseball writer Mark Ethridge covered the aTm series and wrote the following in his summary of midweek games:
    Florida keeps dropping midweek games, and some people are losing their minds over the losses and how the Gators maintain a high ranking. However, there are more important things than losing March midweek games for a program like Florida. When you’ve been to eight of the last 16 College World Series, the goals aren’t maximizing midweek wins. Certainly, they are trying to win and falling short, but the young, talented pitching staff is gaining experience during these losses. The midweek focus can be on building depth, because a team this talented will its share on weekends. It appears McNeillie has turned a corner. If the Gators can get a couple more to join him, this is a team that you will not want to face in May and June.

    He and I may both be wrong to perceive a purposeful approach to the coaching of this team and that approach may not work out so well this year. Win or lose, the LSU series won't determine the teams success for the season, but a couple of wins would be nice.
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  12. mkmoney

    mkmoney Freshman

    Jan 18, 2019
    Do we think Sully will adjust the lineup? The whole team is struggling at the plate and Shelton is really slumping in the leadoff spot. What about this lineup?

    1. A. Albert 3B (only 25 ABs but leads the team with a .486 OB%, high K rate is a worry)
    2. Evans (Seems to be one of our only hot hitters - currently .463 OB%)
    3. Cags
    4. Shelnut
    5. Shelton (Could swap to 4, but keep the LRLRL in the lineup)
    6. Kurland (No way he should lead off, has only 4 walks and 35 Ks, 38% K rate!)
    7. Heyman
    8. Garrison
    9. Guy (Has a surprising .395 OB% and only 3 Ks)
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2024
  13. mkmoney

    mkmoney Freshman

    Jan 18, 2019
    Sully has to be thinking about a new Saturday starter. Peterson has given up 12 HR and 14 BB in 26 IP. Teams are hitting .290 against him. In his last 5 starts he's given up 24 ER runs in 19 IP. I know he has great stuff and a bright future, but it's not happening right now.

    Slater is probably an option, but Sully might not want to move him out of the pen after moving Neely. A crazy idea might be Jameson - currently 3rd on the team behind Slater and Cags in WHIP. In his last 10 appearances has only allowed 4 ER in 16 IP.
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  14. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    I've been putting plenty of thought into this one, sitting at too many games with the Gators behind for most of the games. I was glad Kurland got taken out of the leadoff and Heyman as well. The trouble is we just don't have enough quality hitters right now, something very unexpected going into the year. Only two hitters are batting above 300 right now. When was the last time you saw that in a Gator team not even half way thru? Plus other than Cags, all our best hitters have struck out over 30 times already. If they are under 30, its because they don't play everyday or have a low batting average. That said here's my guesses....

    1. Evans(R) - hottest bat right now at 375, second best OB% of every day players
    2. Cags(L) - best average at 389, put him where ever you want, I'm not a fan of the 2nd spot but its what works for the others
    3. Shelnut(R) - third best average at 295 and most important has the most extra base hits on the team with 18 and the most walks with 19
    4. Shelton(L) - already showed proven results batting in the 4th spot, but not in the leadoff, second most HRs with 12
    5. Kurland(R) - only bat left that can protect the previous batter with a 290 average
    6. Garrison(R) - reward the man who now has a higher batting average at 244 than Heyman, Robertson, and the rest

    And now the rest gets tricky....
    7. Robertson(L)/Guy(R) - go with the opposite arm of the starting pitcher
    8. DH - Heyman(R)/Yost(L) - Heyman 233 average hard to believe, Yost if facing a RHP and Heyman continues to fall, or whatever your gut tells you
    9. Albert(L) - 3B needs help, doesn't have leadoff numbers but has speed, gets on with walks and HBP, SO numbers have been rising, 2nd most steals
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2024
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    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  15. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    Many others probably agree but I'd suggest Sully needs to change his thinking first. Sully made the correct decision on Neely replacing Fisher. I like your thought on Slater and Jameson as well but they are needed as well.

    On Peterson, I believe Sully needs to protect his young arms even though we are halfway thru the season. By that I mean Sully should give Peterson the start but not expect him to get to the 5th inning and have arms ready when things fall apart. This past Saturday was a good example how it went wrong. Peterson pitched great thru 3 and then started the 4th with back to back HRs. We didn't have anyone even stretching yet, even worse only two catchers were sitting in the pen, not a single pitcher. Peterson was clearly getting squared up. Then the hit parade started and no one was ready. After the game Sully said the back to back homeruns were "No big deal". I get the score was only 2-1 but the story was unfolding yet again. Sully is trying to give him every chance to figure it out and hopefully make it five innings. Instead we keep giving up 5 runs from our starter in so many other occasions.

    What I'm saying is Sully should only expect 3 innings from Peterson for now, hope for 4 if all goes well, and celebrate anywhere in the 5th if he makes it that far. The hard nose Sully would say they are not freshmen and they have to figure it out. But that's not building confidence when the ERA gets blown up. Traditionalists would say starters got to go 5 or find someone else. We don't have that right now. Peterson still has the potential but he still needs molding and shaping and having success. Getting pulled game after game after seeing 3-4 runs cross the plate and runners in scoring position is not a good feeling for anybody.
  16. orlgator

    orlgator Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Maybe even go to the Rays way of thinking and use Jameson (or fill in the blank) as the Saturday opener and have Peterson try and take the bulk of the innings after opener gets through lineup one time. Just thinking out loud.
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  17. 74nole

    74nole GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Marianna, Fl

    @orlgator I kinda run parallel to you on this—Jameson is familiar with game pressure so a few spot starts he should be ok. The biggest issue I see with Jameson is that he’s a one time through the lineup guy. By that I mean (for what I see anyway) hitters are facing a low 90’s FB and a loopy slider more than a tight slider. Second time through the lineup his pitches can get big.

    I honestly don’t think starting games is Peterson’s issue—he’s started games his whole life. I think he’s facing better lineups where mistakes get punished. He’s definitely got to learn to locate better, especially the second time through the lineup and when in pitcher’s counts.

    Human nature is to tire physically as the game goes on — one of the big keys to success in the later stages of the game for a SP is to remain as mentally sharp, tough, and strong so that his competitive levels stay equal to his task at hand.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2024
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  18. orlgator

    orlgator Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Great post!
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  19. astrogator

    astrogator Senior

    Feb 20, 2024
    I like this lineup a lot except I like Robertson’s defense a whole lot more than Guy’s. I feel like Guy has made some bad jumps and taken bad routes on plays that Robertson would make. And outside of walks I haven’t seen anything from Guy that makes me think he’s a better option at the plate for facing lefties. Robertson makes better contact more frequently and I believe is second on the team in doubles. Robertson has hardly any ABs against lefties this year anyway. I’d like to see him get the chance to prove himself against more left-handed pitchers.
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    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  20. srqgtr

    srqgtr Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Sarasota, FL
    One of the biggest disappointments this season has to be Cade Kurland. You can see his own disappointment after every strikeout when he walks from the plate. Hopefully, it is lingering effect from the injury to his hand earlier in the year. He was so good last year. Maybe, too good and that resulted in such high expectations for this year. He’s got plenty of time to get his mojo back but he needs to bring Heyman and some others along with him. Here’s hoping all our guys put it together for the second half of the season! :alligator::emoji_baseball: :emoji_trophy:
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