Putin wanted to become a member of NATO in 2000, when Putin was first put in charge, but he wanted to be assigned membership to NATO and not go through the usual application process. You know, because of the whole "NATO exists to defend Europe from a dangerous Russia" idea. Maybe Putin wanted to be able to veto any military action against Russia if he should decide to invade his neighbors. Maybe Putin desperately wanted Russia to be respected like NATO countries are, but needed to fast-track the process, and skip as many steps as possible, instead of earning respect the hard way, like everyone else did. Russia–NATO relations - Wikipedia At any rate, it is apparent that Putin was not serious. Because what followed was a demonstration of why NATO should be nervous of having Russia near their countries: a series of conflicts with almost all of Russia's neighbors to the west. Basically, NATO gave Russia multiple forums to handle disputes, and Russia responded with violence to resolve their disputes, demonstrating their status as barbarians.
It was Russia that wanted peace in Ukraine. Russia wanted the Minsk accords to be adhered to with Ukraine stopping it's artillery shelling of the Donbas. Eventually Angela Merkel gave the game away, admitting that the Minsk accords were just a rise to buy time so Ukraine could be-armed . For years Putin refused to let Luhamsk and Donetsk become part of the Russian Federation. But the Biden administration stupidly wanted war. Here are some of the ceasefire violations going on the day before the Ukraine War started: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 42/2022 issued on 23 February 2022
When the Soviet Union fell apart NATO should have been dissolved or Russia should have been admitted to NATO. At this point NATO is more of a political organization than a military org. It should be terminated
Chemgator tried to demonize Putin by saying he invaded Georgia. He forgot toentipn that the unstable leader of Georgia had started attacking Russian enclaves. . Liberal Democrats should like the below video by one of the best if not the best Russia experts. He was a liberal Democrat himself. He died before the Ukraine war began:
I have often wondered what kind of unenlightened individual actually bought into the whole “Nazi” narrative, which many of us believe a child came up with after the intended Russian false-flag attack was blown up by Western intelligence. Thank you for clearing that up.
In western Ukraine there are statues erected that honor Stepan Bandera. Research that name. Lots of Azov batalion members have Nazi tattoos. Gonzalo Lira talked about Nazis in Ukraine who had supermodel girlfriends paid for by US taxpayer dollars. Pepe Escobar has talked about the Ulro+Nazis Scott Ritter has done podcast after podcast where he talks about Ukrainian Nazis. The number one foreign policy podcast in the world--The Duran--had talked about Ukrainian Nazis. Do some basic research
Comrade is so full of Putin. So Zelensky, raising his family, like himself as Jewish, is actually a Nazi. Sure vatnik, and Putin is your cross-dressing Aunt from Botswana too. LOL
not good if true, but not unexpected as much as they have been deploying them forward. Foreign media report destruction of two Ukrainian Patriot systems (msn.com) Details: It is specified that this is the first time in the two years of the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine when the Russians managed to find and destroy a Patriot system. Julian Röpcke, a Bild journalist, states that the launchers were 10 metres away from one another, and they "were parked for long enough for Russia to launch ballistic missiles on them". In turn, the Institute of the Study of War at the moment does not confirm the destruction of the Ukrainian Patriots since the Russians had demonstrated the footage of destroyed German MAN KAT1 trucks, which can be used as a base for Patriot air defence missile launchers or in logistics.
There are more "Nazis" in Russia's military than there are in Ukraine's. Why didn't Putin have the Russian Nazis shot first? He doesn't sound very convincing in his dislike for Nazis. You do some basic research. And we've already talked about Escobar's pathetic "credentials". Not sure about your other rumor-mongers, but you have even less credibility than the people you quote, if that's possible.
Yeah, no, I got it. Ukraine is a completely corrupt country (unlike, say, a liberal, democratic, rule-of-law country like Russia). Ukraine is a hypernationalist, expansionist regime led by a megalomaniacal narcissist (unlike, again, Russia). I’d say we’re all lucky good Russia is willing to take on the burden of unselfishly denazifying Ukraine for the good of humanity. I say, old boy, you’re damn persuasive. I’m sold.
(scoffs) You’ve never heard of Scott Ritter? He’s a widely renowned “military expert.” Those of us who do this for a living still talk about his meteoric rise to the all-powerful rank of captain in the Marine Corps. And don’t worry about his conviction for unlawful sexual contact with a minor, corruption of minors, criminal use of communications facilities, indecent exposure to minors, possessing instruments of crime, criminal attempt to seduce a minor, and criminal solicitation. That was, like, all a part of his cover and should not reduce his credibility in any way.
Russian advanced A-50 spy plane hit in strike on aircraft factory: Kyiv Ukrainian forces "destroyed or heavily damaged" one of Russia's prized but scarce A-50 spy planes, according to a Ukrainian official, after Kyiv targeted an aviation plant in southern Russia. Breaking News: Ukrainian Drones Strike Russian A-50 AWACS Aircraft Facility in Taganrog Russia | Ukraine - Russia conflict war 2022 | analysis focus army defence military industry army
Exclusive: Russia producing three times more artillery shells than US and Europe for Ukraine | CNN Politics
Spoiler alert for those who don’t want to watch the video: Russia defeating Ukraine and NATO because … because it’s evil! Why Russia is Defeating NATO as well as Ukraine
But, they keep repeating the same theme over and over, and some start to believe, when politically convention believe.
The President had the authority to exercise the DPA two years ago and didn’t do it, hasn’t done it. So, yeah, no idea what China could do, and no idea what we could have done.