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(SB) Ongoing UF Softball Commentary

Discussion in 'GatorGrowl's Diamond Gators' started by ocalaman, Feb 20, 2022.

  1. scrappygator

    scrappygator VIP Member

    Jan 15, 2009
    Gainesville, FL
    We met Ava’s parents today. They are wonderful people.
    A little heads-up. Mr. and Mrs. Brown read Diamond Gators.
    He laughed about it, but someone posted that she is hot. (which is true)
    It is also true that he is a large and athletic man.
    I say that to let us think before we post. Personal remarks need to be judicious.
    We told him our handles and he could tell us some of our posts.
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  2. scrappygator

    scrappygator VIP Member

    Jan 15, 2009
    Gainesville, FL
    And, continuing with them. Mrs. Brown said that she expected Ava to get ripped after her loss to Michigan. She was grateful that we were supportive of Ava after that.
    She said Ava took full responsibility for the loss and said if she had pitched better the game could have turned out better. She did not blame anyone but herself. That is impressive for someone who had won 92 games in a row.
    It is so good to have not only have quality players, but also quality parents.
    Be encouraged Gator Nation.
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  3. MCB51

    MCB51 Moderator VIP Member

    Nov 23, 2015
    Thanks for posting that..some think families, friends, recruits and players don't read message boards..they do...that's exactly why we should be careful how we post over the top criticism of players ..
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    • Wish I would have said that Wish I would have said that x 1
  4. apkgator

    apkgator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    The fact Ava is pitching at a high level AND playing 1b/hitting is amazing to me. Knowing she was crucial to our success as a P, and knowing our position player depth I really thought she would get limited time as a position player. She has handled both amazingly well
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  5. ufgator72sb

    ufgator72sb GC Legend

    Aug 4, 2023
    After attending “First Pitch”, I just want to say that I am impressed with the ladies on our team. Tim made great adjustments in the coaching staff with hiring Chelsey and Francesca. The two “Labs” showed me the team talent at the plate and in the circle. The pitchers certainly voiced their willingness to adjust to get better. Also, the additions of Korbe, Jocey and Brooke shored up the loss of Charla. My impression of Ava is that she is gritty and learns quickly. The girls know that softball is a game and that it is a team sport. They love the competition and they want to win. I support them in that endeavor.
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  6. ufgator72sb

    ufgator72sb GC Legend

    Aug 4, 2023
    There are a lot of good surprises about our team in the first 23 games.
    1. We easily have the best outfield in the SEC. It doesn’t matter who plays right field, Katie, Baylee and Cassidy are interchangeable.
    2. Pitching, Keagan, Ava and Liv are young but very seasoned.
    3. Reagan has become a more disciplined hitter.
    4. Korbe has speed.
    5. Jocey is an RBI machine. Plus, what an arm. She is a left handed Aubree.
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  7. scrappygator

    scrappygator VIP Member

    Jan 15, 2009
    Gainesville, FL
    And Ava doing double duty is definitely a plus!
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2024
    • Winner Winner x 2
  8. sotacracker

    sotacracker VIP Member

    Apr 13, 2007
    Now that you listed the positives, now lets talk about the negative items. Katy plays a great outfield but her hitting is way down. Now the real problem, Williams, Her hitting is poor and either we have not coached her on covering first base. She never stretches to cut distance on throw as in todays game. Welch needs to go two second base and Goddard to DP. Also bobo on now getting ball in glove
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  9. GatorGrowl

    GatorGrowl Forum Admin Moderator VIP Member

    Jan 19, 2012
    Paris, TN
    As we move on I have been impressed with our pitching coach.
    • Agree Agree x 9
  10. MCB51

    MCB51 Moderator VIP Member

    Nov 23, 2015
    She did great today..pitched and hit well
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  11. sweetpotato2

    sweetpotato2 GC Legend

    May 5, 2023
    I thought we would be a bit rusty because of the week off we had. I’m glad I was wrong
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  12. notexgator

    notexgator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Scrappy, Sandman and I sat with AKs parents and family today with Skylars parents and Grand parents today. Some drunk idiot Ala fan said a dumb remark about Skylar and then challenged her her 6'4" 230 lb dad to a fist fight. Lucky for him and his 5'5" self 3 sober Ala fans grabbed him and hrleld him until the police escorted him out of the stadium. The moral, make fun of the parant NEVER the child! The upshot is we had a wonderful time while we never heard a rtr after the 3rd inning. Ava was a star today pitching and hitting. Jocy calmed her down at the right times and Kendra showed why she is the best centerfielder in college softball today
    Ava tomorrow with a great shot at a sweep. Our speed is in their heads!!!
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    • Wish I would have said that Wish I would have said that x 1
  13. lg4uf_

    lg4uf_ VIP Member

    Mar 13, 2023
    Jmo, but I always thought Ava was slightly dinged from that slide into 2B the day before and it affected her push off on the mound. Maybe I’m right, maybe not.
  14. scrappygator

    scrappygator VIP Member

    Jan 15, 2009
    Gainesville, FL
    The great bus or fly mystery is solved.
    AK’s mom said they bussed up and will fly back. ✈️
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  15. lg4uf_

    lg4uf_ VIP Member

    Mar 13, 2023
    Pleased with #3 in particular, although I like all points
  16. Bryan85

    Bryan85 GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 27, 2007
    That Bameze D. was awful. Couldn't catch, couldn't decide correctly where to throw and couldn't throw. Looked like a C- quality, mid week opponent. Wonder if they practice?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. GatorLegend

    GatorLegend VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Scrappy, they showed you and Sandy and the guys on TV at least three times today celebrating Ava’s homerun and then later during the 7 run inning. I texted Sandy during the game but couldn’t get a rise out of him! By the way, speaking of Ava, she gave one of the best post game interviews I think I’ve ever heard. What a mature young lady. The announcers even told her when they were saying goodbye, they said, wow, not only did you play great today but you gave us a great interview as well!
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  18. alysb21

    alysb21 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 8, 2019
    Ava is very well spoken and I suspect Keagen is the same way. One other note that someone touched in earlier... Jocelyn is doing a fantastic job behind the plate leading these young pitchers. Knows when and how to calm them down and such a rock back there. Her bat has been doing very well also.
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  19. rickjs1

    rickjs1 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 6, 2023
    Remember several years ago some Alabama fan sitting behind third base dugout made a horrible comment of some sort at one of our players who was injured. Tim was coaching at third and had to be restrained from going into the stands after the guy. That these things keep happening in Tuscaloosa is not a coincidence.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  20. rickjs1

    rickjs1 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 6, 2023
    There is enough in this post to comment on until tomorrow but I'll let it go with the fact that Katie is hitting .381 and is fourth on the team in rbis. But, I guess, she sucks.
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