We may just be using incomprehensible in different senses. I have no hesitancy in saying that Trump’s an idiot and a lot of what he says is nonsense, was just noting that you can usually (although the “snake hill” or whatever it was comment last week was pretty bad) at least figure out what he’s talking about. I actually agree with the people who said the choice to have Biden race through his speech last night and shout the whole thing was probably intentional, and was a good choice if so. He still had a number of points where he said something that wasn’t actually a word (or not the right word), but it’s less noticeable when he’s speaking forcefully and just keeps blowing through than it is when he mumbles through the same thing repeatedly trying to fix it. Yes, “why does this old man keep yelling at me” is kind of disconcerting, but it’s preferable (given his perceived weakness) to stumbling over the same words over and over without ever getting them out right. Combine that with how low expectations get set for him, and “he didn’t randomly wander away from the dais, say how nice it was to see dead people, or use words that have nothing to do with what he was talking about too many times” gets perceived as a huge win.
No doubt. She excluded this from her monologue, which is weak. She also conspicuously left out spiking the ball on a woman’s right to choose, but hit hard on IVF. Personally, I think folks like me on the center left see the kitchen table issues are getting pulled by the right and the left is abandoning it. Not a great strategy.
The campaign theme of the defeated former president as well as that of most Republican politicians is "Make America Great Again". To them America really hasn't been great since the 1950s. Delivering her speech from her kitchen is perfectly consistent with the culture of '50s.
Good news for Reps; Dems were so happy with Biden:s ability to shout lies for an hour+ that the probability of Biden wbeing the nominee has increased.
They send out an email to every right wing "news" outlet and trumpy legislatures so whenever asked, they can repeat it and not say anything damaging. Then the sheep see it on their "news" show and regurgitate it on social media etc. The ploy was uncovered during the 2016 campaign when they accidentally sent the "talking points" in the subject line to dems by mistake.
My husband who is retired now, flips through all the channels. Fox, Newsmax, MSNBC and CNN to see what everyone is reporting on and saying. I can't stand it.
RNC response to a great Biden speech: Here is a US Senator reducing her role in life down to sitting in her kitchen, likely shoeless. Know your role and shut your mouth ladies unless you parrot what your man thinks.
You didn’t hear demagoguery spewing from Biden’s pie hole last night? Or is it only demagoguery when you don’t agree with it?
I would never support Biden. He has been good for nothing at least since the early 80’s when I first took notice of him.
Oh yeah, that’s exactly what she said. There must be a lot of excess area in your skull to allow your brain room to contort itself the way you so often do.
He's good for not having 91 indictments, being a rapist and a lifetime of business fraud unlike his opponent.