I mean just with regards to what the talking heads are saying on Fox. They are all offended and think Joe was mean. Nobody talking about him being senile after that. Which I assume was the point. Reminded me a lot of the debates in 2020.
No surprise you missed the obvious. I mean its pinned at the top and marked important. Maybe you needed on old man yelling "its at the top!". IMPORTANT - State of the Union
The speaker should have interrupted him in order to introduce him. For some reason it reminds me of that scene in "Gone with the Wind," where a slave in the field yells, "Quittin' time!" Another slave says, "I'm the foreman, I'm the one who says when it's quittin' time. Quittin' time!"
I think he did a great job. He showed he isn't a feeble old man, at least mentally and cognitively. He brought up and put the pubs on the spot on the things they obviously have dropped the ball on doing trumph's bidding. Historically these are speeches on what the president has done for the country and what he wants to do. This was just that. Not divisive at all. He did plead with the pubs to work with him, I never heard trumph say that.
Derp Derp!!! I never pay attention anything pinned Mods you can close this thread if you see the need to.
The difference is that Gore reacted to the criticism by holding back in the second debate creating the appearance of indecisiveness and ended up giving George W. Bush a win in the second debate. Biden has discovered what works and being mean always plays better than being perceived as senile. Last night's SOTU marked the beginning of the general election campaign and Biden won. Waiting for Trump to implode either in a speech or in a post on his [never the] Truth Social media platform or both.
I don’t think there’s a big difference between the two in their total incomprehensibility, although why they’re incomprehensible differs slightly. Trump says out loud literally anything that goes through his head - the result is that his talking seems more like actual English sentences, but frequently has a tenuous connection to truth or reality. Biden also sometimes says things that clearly aren’t true (historically has largely been made up stories about himself, but that has started to expand somewhat), but his bigger issue is a tendency to get into jumbled piles of words where, at its worst, it’s difficult to figure out what he’s trying to say.
I was surprised to hear them saying on Glenn Beck this morning that they thought Biden was bad and his policies bad but that he at least showed he has a pulse, etc. They then noted that he tends to perform the best (for him) at big occasions like this and the debates. It's amazing they keep setting the bar so low for him that he always coming out looking better than expected. I'm not sure why they continue to do it.