Did haven't a chance to watch Britt last night. Watching her now and trying to keep that pitched tent from being too noticeable.
That poll is almost as meaningless as the polls showing Trump ahead 9 months before the election. The Biden team masterfully lowered expectations and manipulated the MAGAts into thinking he couldn’t string to words together. Expectations were so low he would have exceeded them by not drooling on himself. The Biden team knows what they are doing. This won’t make Biden 20 years younger but he is not running against a young vibrant candidate either.
Read her transcript. Ignore the vestibule and dramatic delivery… there are real issues that those on the left need to consider. In my opinion, she was very effective at speaking directly to suburban moms. Transcript of the Republican response to the State of the Union address
As if women are only one in the kitchen these days, even in the south. Hell, I cook just as often as the wife does. Who considers the kitchen a women's only domain these days, unless you're above retirement age?? And even today in that generation... it's nothing like what it was back in the 1950's.
I'm just wrapping up watching (didn't want to subject my wife to it live). I think it was a very good speech. Four more years! Four more years!
Apparently, the group that made the decision to shoot the response from the kitchen. Thousands of other options, yet someone thought that was a good idea. It's like they were just trying to get lampooned and wanted to help the SNL writers. Four Seasons Landscaping would have been better.
Isn’t it great when a politician has been in Washington for 50 yea Neither can get their knees high enough to run in place
Having filmed it from a kitchen 2-3 days after the release of the video of this abject moron saying he wouldn’t vote for a woman because “she doesn’t have balls to scratch” and they should just “have babies and take care of the house” is so on-brand for today’s Republican Party.
This is an election where both candidates are saying “vote for me because the other guy sucks”. The pretend-moderate Pubs are literally excusing their way into voting for Trump because “we just can’t afford 4 more years of Biden.”
The opinion of Peggy Noonan, Ronald Reagan's speechwriter, on Old Joe's State of the Union Address. https://www.wsj.com/articles/state-of-the-union-shows-there-s-life-in-the-old-boy-yet-e1319b97
Given the choice between an incompetent demagogue with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, multiple indictments and a history of scams and a career politician I would always opt for the latter.
https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=afe6...W5pb24tYWRkcmVzcy1mdWxsLXRyYW5zY3JpcHQv&ntb=1 Since no one else had started this, what was the thoughts? Mine? Well, it is the state of our Union not Ukraine, so I didn't really care for the start. He seemed to be really jacked up and yelling his speech as fast as he could. I am over both sides not showing decorum. Do they have right, well yes but this is not the EU and parliament and kind of wish we wouldn't have those outbursts by the anyone in the audience. It definitely was not a unifying speech, could and probably will be used at campaign functions. I guess it was not an effort to try garnish any of the Hayley voters. He was late to start and didn't give the speaker an opportunity to introduce him, probably forgot!
I just read through this entire thread, and the posters here need to pat themselves on the back. There was some really witty and funny stuff going on — both sides— during the live commentary. Thank you and great work!!
SOTU speeches are always boring. It's the post speech partisan claims / arguments / rebuttals / more claims / more rebuttals / more arguments that's entertaining.