Now we know why there is an Adderall shortage in the US. They are hoarding it at the Whitehouse. The GOP response with Britt was almost as bad as the non-stop anger and lies by Joe.
If it wasn’t clear, I was just having fun with the “high school together” line. I fussed at Rick either yesterday or the day before of how it’s possible for him to believe that Mitch McConnell is too old to lead but Trump isn’t. You’re not going to get any disagreement from me that they’re both shitty candidates who are very clearly showing negative impacts of age, and neither of whom has any business leading or speaking for the country at this point.
The only thing more slimy in America than a politician is a real estate developer. (My apologies to anyone here in the industry. You know you are the exception)
In any event, the speech was a rousing success. He - quite unexpectedly - managed to successfully reference speeches by both Abraham Lincoln and FDR without falsely claiming that he was in the Senate when either of those speeches were made!
Difference is the Pubs were hoping to make fun of Biden for looking lost and confused as they have been told for years and all they can do this morning is complain that he threw gasoline on their dumpster fire by being mean and loud.
Flash poll reaction shows massive win for Biden among independents CNN Poll Shows Massive Pro-Biden Swing From Before To After State of the Union
First, he is only 3 years older, and second, you are wrong. There are 4 years of high school. Maybe you didn't make it all the way through, so I guess I can understand your mistake.
On the age difference I admittedly was actually thinking of the difference between McConnell and Trump, not Biden and Trump. But suggest you rethink what there being four years of high school means. That’s why you don’t normally attend high school with people four years younger than you - when you’re a senior, freshmen are three years younger than you, but someone four years younger would be in 8th grade.
Lots of factchecks out there, if you're interested. Some stuff right, some wrong, some needed more context. Fact checking Biden’s State of the Union | CNN Politics Fact-Checking Biden’s 2024 State of the Union Address FactChecking Biden's State of the Union - And the, of course, there's Fox:
To be fair to Fox, the middle blurb on the bottom of that screenshot is right - it was somewhat jarring to hear Biden refer to Laken Riley’s killer as “an illegal” when the Democratic drumbeat for well over a decade has been that you shouldn’t use that term. That being said, the assertion next to it that Katie Britt “shredded” anything in her rebuttal is just silly.
And the fact that Fox's lead story is that speechwriters for Bush and Reagan criticized Biden's speech. No other main outlet does that crap.
Filming it from a kitchen was incredibly stupid. Next thing you know, they aren't going to let her make choices about her own body.
Just when I thought I'd seen it all. Biden stumbles and stammers around for a cringeworthy moment with the SCOTUS at the SOTU speech last night. Even the female justices are like "what a douchebag." You don't talk to judges that way. Link forwards to @2:29
Was just lessons learned from Rubio, if you think you might need a drink of water, there’s no more convenient place to be than in a kitchen! (I actually think it was to correspond to her closing about how what makes America strong and what will restore America is what happens “around kitchen tables just like this one,” but agreed that it comes across as weird to give a major national speech - in response to one given from the well of the U.S. House - from a home kitchen in Alabama.)