I didn’t watch it, just saw clips here. It may be that going overboard is preferable to him being too quiet. If he is quiet he seems like he is mumbling. Better to yell and seem energetic and semi articulate vs quiet and incoherant.
You are absolutely right... Trump is NOT a politician and Biden is. Biden practiced in the art of deception and subterfuge and that's putting it nicely.
Get off my lawn! Also I enjoy reading the liberal lawyers on this board supporting his views when one is to basically disband the Supreme Court.
He wiped the floor with the Putin caucus and put any dementia nonsense to bed. 62% polled after the speech agree with his agenda. Now let's roll the FBI vans in and haul off every Putin employee in that chamber and be done with it.
Right wing media for the last few years: Joe is too old, sleepy and has dementia. Right wing media after this speech: Joe hurt our widdle baby feewings, was mean to our Putin-Pie and was just too darn loud!
Dementia nonsense? It’s simple science from the party of science right? Anyone at his age should not be running the free world.
Wrong as usual. He has the judgment and demeanor and younger staff that can execute his policies. And his opponent would have been in high school at the same time as him so...
Katie Britt’s response was hilariously bad, SNL skit upcoming for sure. Very over the top and overly dramatic, looking like a Stepford wife on camera. Not to mention her having the audacity to talk about gang rape on live TV which 100% triggered some who may have been victims in the past, no compassion whatsoever. You also can’t attack the issue on the border when you voted against the bipartisan border security bill that you helped co-author. Just a joke, but that’s to be expected with the GOP - only the best.
Why, did his “judgment and demeanor” get him held back? Because you ordinarily should not be in high school with someone 4 years older than you.
Democrats thought it was a good speech. Republicans did not. Somebody hold me I'm about to faint from shock
The king of missing points and bad legal takes. Both of the major party nominees are old and have embarrassing public verbal gaffes. You're not getting a president without those no matter which you pick this year.
he left out “Mr Speaker” FYI, he said “the state of the Union is strong” right before the “Four more years” chant. it was oddly placed in the speech.