I don't expect to see the Speaker of the House tear up the State of the Union address. That would be classless.
Consumer confidence is soaring? If you send me to Congress.... Attacking the Supreme Court. And what's with all the yelling at the wrong time. They shot Ole Joe with some good stuff
Extremely clear, lucid, and well delivered speech so far. Very combative but delineating the differences in the parties.
Biden killing it early full of vim and vigor and humor I especially liked the cheer of “4 more years”. Wow so far. Meanwhile truth social has crashed LOL
‘I want to see every child read by the third grade.’ -Biden Bone spurs is going to have to figure out a way to get rid of all books from school libraries to counter act this.
No big surprises so far IMO other than it’s more partisan than I expected. He hasn’t mentioned Israel or Gaza yet and there were earlier rumors about expected interruption or two.
More. They’ve been paying less and less for 40 years. “No school teacher should have to pay a higher % of income than Donald Trump” “What yo don’t want to pass another $2T tax cut for the rich” He’s slaying it.
could be that is because this is an election year and people are whispering in Biden's ear to be more aggressive?
Struggling to get even a lot on his own side of the aisle to stand up and applaud. He's losing them on the taxes and finance bs he is spinning.
We’re on to the important issues like demanding that candy bars raise their prices instead of shrinking their serving sizes?