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Discussion in 'RayGator's Swamp Gas' started by doctorg8r, Jan 11, 2024.

  1. Endless Excuses

    Endless Excuses GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 13, 2010
    Your last two sentences sum the entire scenario up perfectly!...wins/losses matter tremendously but you cant go out there looking like a fool.
  2. Gatorrick22

    Gatorrick22 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    The one here I can totally agree with below. We can do so many things with that $400 million without gutting (seating capacity) what makes The Swamp so hard for opposing teams to play in.

    Look, I get it. The stadium needs a makeover. But you sold out nine games in the last two losing seasons. People will come, Ray. Personally, I would take half of that $400 million to spruce things up and spend the other half on NIL.
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  3. 2oldgator

    2oldgator GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 14, 2021
    Dunnellon fl
    I doubt seriously that any Gators are happy with 11-14 but, there is more to the status of our football program than the record.
    Napier has done some excellent things in regards to recruiting, and improving the current players overall experience at UF. And he inherited a program that required a complete overhaul: not a band aid or two and at a time when the landscape of college football is going through profound changes that particularly rewrites the playbook for recruiting. In spite of these factors and our losing records he is steadily improving the quality of the roster. Also, knock on wood, it’s hard NOT to notice we have had very few off field incidents since CBN took the helm.
    Now it’s time to improve the quality of product on the field and I for one think he will. If I didn’t, a public forum is the last place I would air my pessimism.
    Bitching and criticizing every move CBN makes is not helping anyone and the negativity on this site can be a bit much at times.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2024
    • Wish I would have said that x 2
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  4. Wanne15

    Wanne15 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 18, 2015
    Seven wins, looking unorganized and doing dumb shit is worse than five wins and looking like a competent team. We looked very incompetent at times the last two years.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Wanne15

    Wanne15 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 18, 2015
    Better product on the field, makes more people in the stands. If they want to keep people in the stands, they better do a little better on the field. I would love a seatback to sit in, but I will come stand the entire game anyway if there’s something to stand up about.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2024
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  6. Gatorrick22

    Gatorrick22 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    And yet we're selling out games though the worst football dip in over 40 years... That will get fixed so you need to THINK AHEAD... THINK OF THE FUTURE when we are good/great again and keep seating where it is.

    Mean while UGA is thinking of adding 20,000 MORE seats to their stadium. And yes, they are a better product right now, but when talking about stadiums builds you have to look to the future and think about what happens when we are good again.

    Why now look forward and look 5 or 10 years into the future when considering what The Swamp needs will be. If we are selling out now, then we probably NEED TO ADD more seating capacity when we get good again. UGA has the right idea, IMHO.
  7. Matthanuf06

    Matthanuf06 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 13, 2007
    Thinking he should be fired if he has a losing season isn’t “bailing” on him (whatever that means).

    If he wins them all they should build a statue for him. Does that mean I’m “anti bailed” on him now?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. gatorwalrus

    gatorwalrus GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 24, 2022
    Losing will get you fired at UF is not an opinion, it is a fact. It is a fact for the entire profession, generally speaking. I'd bet my house DeBoer would be fired at seasons end if he were to only get 2-3 wins.

    So, if we're labaling those who criticize BN as whiners, what do we label the 4-5 years no matter what crowd? Zombies? Maybe Lemmings? I don't know, perhaps we should start a poll.

    As far as "bailing," however you define that, I have said (was deleted by mods) that I don't believe he's got it. I see Muschampish get a lead and sit on it conservative approach. Poor gameday execution, pre snap/procedural penalties in particular. Lack of fire instilled in the team especially on the road and out of the tunnel.

    However, just like anyone else, he can learn and grow from mistakes and weaknesses. But I don't live in a fantasy land where someone can continually fail or underperform without consequences. That goes for anyone in any job or career.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  9. uftaipan

    uftaipan GC Hall of Fame

    May 31, 2007
    Fresno, CA
    Yeah, that’s the main thing I want to see this season (which in my opinion will translate into more wins): evidence of a learning organization. Failure to learn and adapt was what sunk Muschamp. Napier needs to demonstrate that he gets some of his projects (like, for the 1000th time, not having an on-field special teams coach) have not worked out. Instead of being intransigent and thinking they’re going to work to eventually, he needs to adjust immediately and start going with best practices. I would really, really, really like to see a well-run, prepared football team run out of the tunnel to face Miami.
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  10. MaceoP

    MaceoP GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Here's it a good representation of what 'bailing out' means..
    "What does bailing out mean in slang?
    (intransitive, idiomatic, slang, with of) To leave (or not attend at all) a place or a situation, especially quickly or when the situation has become undesirable."

    The original thread "WHAT Will/Needs TO HAPPEN IN YEAR THREE!" based upon an article by Dooley on what the Gators need to fix this year. Of course it morphed into (by a few posters) how many wins CBN needs to keep his job and why he should be fired if he doesn't meet those metrics. So we have a few posters posting many many times the same thing (with different variations) over and over circumstances when CBN should be terminated. I'm not going to get paranoid and say some to those posters have an agenda, or it's some form of mental illness. but it makes one wonder why would supposed gator fans want to undercut our already tenuous situation.. I lost count but i believe 14 years of bad football for us, and we finally have someone who MAY be able to break the cycle, and all the negative posters want is to cut it short start over continuing the misery.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 1
  11. gatorwalrus

    gatorwalrus GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 24, 2022
    To me, 3 years is not leaving "especially quickly," hence why the use of the term is subjective. Also, I haven't left, I'm right here, typing this out and barring unforeseen circumstances will be in every OGT next year. My position has simply shifted from lets see what he's got, to now, he needs to prove he can do it. Those first two years everyone just asked to see progress, the process being put in place, be competitive. I haven't seen it. If that is negative, so be it.

    Tenuous situation, yes, exactly. Acknowledging the reality is not undercutting to me, you may disagree.

    Your capitalization to emphasize the use of MAY is spot on. On that we agree, he may or may not be able to break the cycle. Where we seem to be so opposed is that some have a position that moving on is a foregone conclusion that we will continue to be mired in misery, where as I say it's a crapshoot.
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  12. Matthanuf06

    Matthanuf06 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 13, 2007
    Every coach in the country has to win a set number of games to keep their job. Some higher some lower. Only Kirby can survive a winless season.

    If you are that interested we can talk about win requirements for other coaches
  13. Wanne15

    Wanne15 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 18, 2015
    There’s no 4-5 no matter what crowd.
  14. gatorich

    gatorich GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Pensacola, FL
    Mizzu, Arkansas and FSU. Should have won all three of those games and were in a position to do just that. Have to eliminate giving up those unbelievable plays that turns games around.
    We played a lot of freshmen on defense last year and it showed late in games. Clean those plays up and they finish 8-4 instead of 5-7.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  15. 62gator

    62gator GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 4, 2007
    Tampa, FL
  16. lizardbreath

    lizardbreath GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 30, 2017
    Pace, FL
    Not a fan of that guy. Just sayin.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. 62gator

    62gator GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 4, 2007
    Tampa, FL
    Dooley noted. For the most part I thought they were pretty fair. They talked up the potential of Florida football and what it should be. Ultimately it comes down to having the right guy. I absolutely disagree with them about lazy Dan though and giving him another year, he had to go, imho.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. lizardbreath

    lizardbreath GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 30, 2017
    Pace, FL
    Yeah, I may have leapt to a hasty conclusion, but that's not the first time I thought he was possibly promoting negative narratives to generate hits. Perhaps I'm getting mean in my old age, as the old folks used to say.
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  19. uftaipan

    uftaipan GC Hall of Fame

    May 31, 2007
    Fresno, CA
    I agreed with almost everything they said, including the very, very controversial point (in the Gator Nation) that firing Mullen was perhaps a year premature. You saw where they mocked us for not having an on-field ST coach and calling the analyst we do have a “game change coordinator!”, right? That’s the sort of thing Napier needs to wake up about and start making some fundamental changes.
  20. Crusher

    Crusher GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 19, 2007
    Wow...who would've ever thunk that would happen!?