He went down to tie up the ball, Wague ran up to him and kneed him in the head, then brought his elbow down on top of his head. All on the video of the guy who saw it and posted it. When he kneed him, he flattened out, then the thug elbowed him. Tennessee got away with poking out Jitiboh’s eye. Now Alabama trying to hurt an up and coming big. The SEC better dish out some serious punishme
one reaction i'd like to see is whoever is in charge of the Rowdies, I would circle our home game against them and absolutely hound them, with chants and signs and anything else they can think of. Make a point of tormenting this thug team and their coach. A welcome back party for Wague, for instance. Get creative.
Back in the day we used to go after the other team’s number two guy. Their star was capable of going off, but the number 2 wasn’t used to the attention and more likely to self-destruct. 3-5 weren’t likely to have as much impact either way
Big kid from the Bronx who plays 10 minutes per game and averages as many fouls as rebounds? And who leads their rotation in fouls per 40min by almost double the next guy? Who saw this coming?
LOCK HIM UP! Condon should have received a triple technical foul, been ejected and banished to hell for all eternity.
I rewatched the segment. I didn’t see Golden ask for a review, nor did he even seem aware of the elbow. He was, however, very annoyed by the foul called on Condon. You can clearly see him throw his hands up and say…”What’s the call? That’s not a foul! That’s bullshit.” I’m not sure when he asked for s review, but it didn’t appear to be in that moment.
I didn’t see it either. I don’t recall the rules in when a review is possible - like can flagrant be reviewed later during a timeout? Could he have asked did it during the stoppage of play?
Ok, here you go: One ref lives at 1456 Bear Bryant Way, Tuscaloosa, Al The other resides at 2006 GoBama Lane, Tuscaloosa, Al
I wonder whether that knee by Wague to Condo’s head, just before his deliberate elbow to Condo’s head, wasn’t deliberate too
If I was SEC commissioner, I’d have these refs in my office, show the videos, and explain to me because I sure as hell don’t see what you see. If the SEC is the premier conference in NCAA, we should use competent, fair refs.
I didn't see the foul at all during the live action, only in the closeup replay. CTG is very good at working the refs. I'm sure he'd have demanded a review if he'd seen the thug foul.