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Gator Baseball 2024 OFFICIAL ROSTER/Transfer Tracker/Lineup???

Discussion in 'GatorGrowl's Diamond Gators' started by Matherly87, Jun 6, 2023.

  1. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    I'm pondering some of the questions from tonight on my drive home. All the while, I have to keep the context of its just one game and try not to rearrange the puzzle Sully was putting together that we saw in practices. Its troubling though, expecting many answers on opening night and finding many more questions that will leave us hanging a few weeks longer. So here's a few things to ponder....
    1. The big gorilla from tonight, is Cade Fisher ready to be the guy? One night cannot answer that one. We will have to give Sully a few weeks before making an honest evaluation. SJU loaded up the right hand hitters and Fisher struggled. I wish I had his opposing batter numbers from last year to see if the numbers mattered. Fisher had a few rough outings in the fall but the spring has been very good. He gave up a few runs in spring scrimmages but nothing like this. Let's see how he does the next two Friday's and then revisit this one.
    2. Should Jaylen Guy be in the lineup as batter or mainly as a defensive replacement? He went 0-3 with a sac fly. Most of his bats did not show much chance of production except hitting the fly ball to advance the runner home. He didn't have any challenging plays in the outfield for this game but it's his bat in question. I'm okay if Sully doesn't have a quick hook with Evans still hurt but just remember Guy hasn't been hitting much in practice all spring. Tomorrow they start a LHP so that might help but I really want to see what Brookins or Yost can do very soon.
    3. Should Colby Shelton move up in the order? Sully had the lineup of Robertson, Kurland, Shelton, Cags, and Heyman for many of the scrimmages. He moved Shelton to the 5 spot late in the spring practices. Personally I would prefer Shelton to bat 3rd in front of Cags. Yes it's two LHH back to back but I think Shelton and Cags can handle it.
    4. Was Thomas playing too far off third? He did stop one ground ball down the line but three others got by. Granted two were liners that had little chance at but it seemed StJU batters were timing up and turning on pitches to work the corner. I'd rather Sully protect the corner more to defend the doubles and give up a few more singles for now. Shelnut didn't make any good plays in the left field corner either so that only made matters worse.
    5. Will Peterson have an advantage as a RHP going up against their right hand hitters? I don't know how many LHH they have but it seems the SJU coach likes playing the analytics. He went to a LHP when Robertson was coming to bat late in the game that was a smart move. The ump tonight was calling pitches 50/50 so hopefully Peterson will have better luck. I do know if he faces mostly RHH and his curve ball is working, tomorrow will be a fun game to watch.
    6. Big question, so now what does Sully do with middle relief tomorrow or if we play 2 more games this weekend? Slater is cooked. Jameson is done. If Peterson and Neely can't handle the day then we will see mainly freshmen like Jones, Whitmer, Smith, Satin, Clemente, Gomberg, or perhaps Purnell again. The last thing we need is another 6 pitcher day or else get somebody up doing the rain dance.
    7. Can Donay be more effective at the plate? I've said several times when Brody steps in with a man on, expect either a double play or one over the batter's eye. Unfortunately we got the double play tonight instead of the drive to center. Again, one game is not enough but we have seen this pattern plenty of times in practice. I think for Sully he starts him and sees how the game is going. If we get behind and need runners on then we pull him sooner. If the wind is blowing out then he more than likely stays in. I'd rather watch how the season unfolds before trying to name another DH for now.
    8. A telling stat from tonight we gave up 3 more walks (8 total) than them, plus one hit batter, and lost by 4. BUT, we struck out 13 SJU batters and they only struck out 3 of our batters. Our guys put the ball in play, but their guys hit more extra base hits with runners on that we gave them. That has to be improved or we lose many more games like that again this year. I just hope we get a chance to improve ourselves this weekend and not be waiting until Tuesday.
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  2. srqgtr

    srqgtr Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Sarasota, FL
    I enjoyed your "things to ponder," 87. Looks like we will have to wait until Tuesday to see the team play again. So, we won't get to see Peterson or Cags on the mound until next week. :(
    I was very much looking forward to watching Peterson pitch, given all that I have heard so far.

    That was really a disappointing opener. The only good thing was being able to see some of our freshman make an appearance on the mound just to see what they looked like. I assume we will see more of the freshmen on Tues/Wed.
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    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  3. gatorsfan17_

    gatorsfan17_ Freshman

    Jul 19, 2023
    Since they're likely not going to play again until next week... here are my thoughts/first impressions...:

    Position Players

    Robertson for the most part, looked better at the plate than last year... see how he does going forward.

    Kurland looked OK, needs to work on getting under the ball... too many ground outs...
    Cags looked good, got 2 hits and drew a walk... still a bit swing happy at times.

    Heyman looked OK, same as Cade for me...

    Shelton is legit... looking forward to watching him this year.

    Shelnut looked good, drew 2 walks... not much else to say.

    Donay... like Heyman... seemed a bit too ready/anxious to swing at the first pitch. Going to need to see more before I really judge either player.

    Thomas was good, got 2 hits... defense is a little shaky for the first game.

    Guy did not really do much to impress me. It's only been 1 game... but I wouldn't be surprised if he eventually got replaced by a freshmen who can offer more with the bat.


    Fisher... not a great 1st outing. 5ER against a team like St. John's... yikes. Hopefully he finds his command next outing and improves from there.

    Slater was good in about 3 innings of relief... needs to work on command as well with the 2 BB.

    Jameson surprised me and looked good up until that homerun... but I think the upside is there going forward.

    Purnell... can't really say anything here. I mean, he threw one pitch and gave up a double before Sully took him out.

    Satin... same thing. Came in to face the lefty and couldn't find the strike zone on 4 straight before getting taken out of the game.

    Philpott looked OK, had some big strikeouts... but walks were an issue.

    Overall, pitching did this team in last night... can't be down 7 to nothing in just the 3rd inning and expect the offense to catch up. Although, with this lineup.. going forward I would expect the offense to be a lot better.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    Question for the panel.....
    If no other games are played this weekend would Sully let Peterson and Cags start on Tuesday and Wednesday and let them go for 2-3 innings in prep for the next Saturday and Sunday appearance opportunity?
  5. gatorsfan17_

    gatorsfan17_ Freshman

    Jul 19, 2023
    Since it's going to rain constantly all of today and tomorrow... it's pretty much a given that they're not going to play tomorrow either. To answer your question... I think he will. Since you basically can't have them not pitch until next weekend. But by having them go 2-3 innings on Tuesday and Wednesday... they'll likely be limited (meaning they'll likely get pulled sooner than normal) by the weekend, no?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    One other thing I'm pondering....
    Should we consider our starting rotation as a team pitching in reverse?

    Hear me out. I know many of you supported the info that Fisher was ready to be the Friday guy. Whether you had insider info or saw the potential Fisher had to be the Friday guy. Plus Cags has to be the Sunday guy because of his two-way ability. Now I take you back to the fall where Cags showed over and over he has improved, either in scrimmages or the two starting appearances against Stetson and Georgia. Yes the spring for Cags has been less than hoped, especially his last scrimmage where the wheels fell off again. But apparently he was complaining of arm soreness after that debacle.

    Peterson has been very good and getting better. I even suggested he could be our best pitcher but Sully will not put a freshman in the Friday spot to start the year. Sully might be forced to move Peterson to the Friday spot if Fisher doesn't settle in. But that would mean we go to a R-L-L rotation, not as good. I do believe Peterson could end the year very easily with the best numbers in our rotation.

    Once Cags gets a chance to ramp up that 100 mph heater and see if can control his 3 pitches, he might be our best candidate to lead this team from the mound. I know it sounds weird after his problems from last year but let's see how he starts the season and if he's ready to step up in Miami that Sunday and help us win the series. We may very well be looking at a rotation pitching in reverse. In Sully do we trust.
  7. shane4three

    shane4three GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 24, 2014
    Hoping they taking aggressive approach to playing tomorrow.
    Can’t lose games unless lightning or storms. For momentum alone need to play tomorrow.
    With no rain today could still play today.
  8. jdgator

    jdgator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    I could see Neely being inserted as starter if Fisher can’t show consistency.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  9. ocalaman

    ocalaman GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 30, 2018
    Possible, but we have a couple of freshmen he's planning to start in midweek games that could be tried, although I'm sure Fisher will be given several more opportunities before he's yanked. He was great last year and just had a bad outing last night. Let's see how he bounces back next Friday.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. gator1977

    gator1977 GC Legend

    Apr 15, 2019
    Re: Friday Night Guy... during the off-season, some assumed that Neely would be back in the weekend rotation (rumor has it, he had a tacit "promise") but clearly, Sully harkening back to the Michael Byrne days wants a reliable closer who can go 2-3 innings regularly and get the job done. Not sure what the others think but the best "closers" in MLB gave all been RHP (exceptions Billy Wagner, Chapman, John Franco). Sully will give Fisher at least 2-3 more opportunities before any change. If Fisher is demoted, I'm concerned there may be a hit on his confidence and bringing Neely into weekend rotation would leave a major void at closer that perhaps Fisher could fill... a big if. Someone earlier commented that it was too bad that we could not nab a veteran pitcher via the portal (ala Waldrep) but guys of that caliber are not easy to come by. My take… It's a rainy day and we are eager for baseball action and maybe overthinking all of this. Fisher had Opening Night jitters and our bats went dormant in the last four innings and that is probably the best way to look at last night's performance. Sully will make adjustments in the OF and I think Shelton will move into one of the top three slots in the order. We need to see more action on the field.
  11. shane4three

    shane4three GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 24, 2014
    For this team to get where it needs to go, Neely and Slater will need to see major innings. I see Fisher as our Sunday guy- maybe Saturday.
  12. TheBoss

    TheBoss Premium Member

    Jun 22, 2010
    I see one analysis point several posters have made and I strongly agree: It has only been ONE game.

    Some other comments were reasonable if not considered in the context of the point above. In the game I saw, our promising young starter had a poor game, mixing walks and extra base hits to give up five runs in the first two innings and setting the stage for the top long relief guy to let in one runner he inherited and another of his own. After that, the Gators got five runs and gave up two. Four batters we expect to have good seasons got two hits each , two others got one hit each, two more guys got three walks between them and the ninth starter had a sac fly. The only completely unproductive batter was the late pinch hitter. I frequently call myself blindly optimistic and this paragraph is consistent with that. I HATE to lose a single game, but the cold rain annoys me more than that loss.

    Future games may prove that panic is the right reaction and mass substitutions are the best solution, but I plan to continue attending games, cheering for good plays, groaning at bad ones. I haven't seen any comments on the crowd, which was huge, 7898. We may not have that many again this season until the Super Regional.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2024
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  13. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    Well said Bossman!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. gatorsfan17_

    gatorsfan17_ Freshman

    Jul 19, 2023

    Game day @ UNF! Peterson likely only goes 2-3 innings tonight and will be on track to start again on Saturday. Speaking of Saturday... I've noticed that game is like almost completely sold out (compared to Friday where there's still a number of seats available.) Probably just because the weather will be perfect, right?
  15. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    I suppose the sellout is from the season ticket reserved seats being sold out. I don't expect nearly the crowd we had last Friday on Opening Night. I'd be happy if half of them actually showed up. They might announce 5000-6000 but I doubt that many will be in the park, especially with softball, men's basketball, and gymnastics all at home that weekend.
  16. astrogator

    astrogator Senior

    Feb 20, 2024
    Who do you think is slated to pitch after Peterson and presumably Jac tomorrow? I’ve got my money on Menendez today and McNeillie on Wednesday.
  17. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    Good question, since Philpott pitched Friday I'm thinking he is more likely to pitch sometime tomorrow. Since Peterson is a RHP then I'd look at either LHP of Menendez or Satin who only faced one batter. Since Cags is still an unknown for tomorrow, I'd go with McNeiliie as the Wed starter if not Cags. I would also assume we see Neely tonight or tomorrow for sure since he got nothing last weekend. Hunter Jones should also get called up for action here soon. In the past Sully always seemed to put more emphasis on the Tuesday instead of the Wednesday game but since we lost Friday I hope we see the team respond with more focus on both games.
  18. orlgator

    orlgator Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Matt - I believe UNF will be the elixir for UF to get right over next couple of days. I was at both Delaware games as my son transferred to UNF for his soph season. He picked up the win for UNF in game 1 and assume he will get some mound time over the next couple of days. If you could take it easy on him I’d appreciate it! :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  19. Matherly87

    Matherly87 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2016
    Ocala, FL
    Wow you don't get these kind of posts very often. But I think it's @74nole that you better watch for. He has a bad problem forgetting the competitors we face. Besides Sully has a few arms he needs to get through the next two days.
    It's great to have a dad on here from teams we face. I recall a few others from other schools in the state. By checking the UNF site it looks like Kaden from Naples is the RHP we better look out for. I'll tell you what, if he comes into the game I'll do the same as I have for several other kids of posters on here, I'll stand and applause their walkup to the mound. I believe GC posters here on Diamond Gators deserve at least our appreciation for the game. Thanks for giving us the heads up so others will join in and welcome him to The Condron if he gets the chance.
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  20. 74nole

    74nole GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Marianna, Fl

    Just because they’re all named “Earl” doesn’t mean I forgot’em….
    Go Gators!
    • Funny Funny x 1