Gators on the corners / 2 outs Kurland hits to 3B and they get runner going to 2B 1/0/0/1 St. John’s 7-4
Another good inning. Slaughter will do his part the question is we keep battling with every at bat. We got a great shot with no giveaways at the plate.
Man on 2B / 0 outs B/Ks - Beauchamp singles to 3B. Great catch by Dale, but he couldn’t get up in time.
Men on 1B & 3B / 2 outs B/F/Kc/B/F/F/B (runner steals 2B)/Ks - Tucker goes down swinging 0/2/0/2 St. John’s 7-4
Long inning no runs. Beautiful night for baseball. My son and his buddies are streaming the game from DC. Gator Nation is everywhere. Perfect night here in beautiful Fleming Island! Shout out to Coach and 75 nole!