Trump is absolutely both a rapist and a racist. The former he was declared in a court of law and accused of in his first divorce decree. The latter is obvious in his words and deeds his entire adult life.
It doesn’t surprise me that a bunch of conspiracy theorists like you and your merry pack of “yes” men agreeing with your post would dispute documented fact. It seems pretty on-brand for the lot of you. Just on racism alone the allegations have been consistent over decades and most of it preceded him ever entering politics. It started with him refusing to lease to black people in the 70s, hiding black people on his casino floors in the 80s and 90s and paying a fine for it in one instance, telling people he didn’t like black people counting his money, pushed the birther conspiracy, etc.
I wouldn't consider being investigated by Special Counsel, who was a Trump appointee, to be above the law. Hur could have taken the to a grand jury if he felt the evidence was strong enough. He also didn't hide behind a justification that Biden as President couldn't be charged like with the Mueller investigation.
Another waste of tax dollars, everybody already new Biden wouldn't be charged. That's what happens when you got the crooks running the show. They did make it obvious they want Biden out asap, but Biden not wanting to play. Either way this will be Garlands last year as AG
All classified information is not the same, nor is the impact of their spillage the same. I do agree that a violation is a violation, but I don’t agree that the content and type of information doesn’t matter. Security violations happen everyday. What doesn’t happen everyday is someone stealing and hiding classified docs on purpose and then claiming they belong to them and refusing to turn it over. Not to forget showing them to people without clearances.
Poster is claiming that Hurt, a republican Trump appointed crook is protecting Biden. " Hur rejoined the Department of Justice as Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General, a top aide to Rod Rosenstein after Rosenstein became Deputy Attorney General. He was a liaison to Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election.[5] On November 1, 2017, Hur was nominated by President Donald Trump to be the next United States Attorney for the District of Maryland.[6] " But Pence was prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law...... wait, seems we'll need to invent a more complex conspiracy theory to cover that. LOL
Not even the tool who generated the report suggested Biden is incompetent to stand trial. Entirely different issue, entirely different set of criteria, entirely different inquiry, entirely different procedure, entirely different course of action and entirely different outcome. Other than that, you pretty much nailed it. Have you EVER been in a criminal courtroom?
I think it's fair to say based on what we know that the information compromised in the Biden situation is far worse than anything they've found at Mar-a-Lago. Stop dancing around the fact he was let off the hook only due to the likelihood 12 of 12 jurors wouldn't vote to convict a man in his condition. It doesn't make the crime any less worse. Certainly not less worse than Donald Trump's situation.
What's been released in either case that you can say the the Intel Biden had is far worse than anything at MAR? Link with the information, please.