That isn’t the headline though, was pretty much expected. His memory is skewered in the report. Joe Biden 'wilfully retained' classified files, investigation finds - BBC News
Republican POS couldnt find any issues so doctored the report to give maga a laugh. What a joke. Zero integrity.
Isn't this just what was already known? And they decided it didn't warrant charges? What am I missing
Anyone that keeps classified material willyfully is subject to prosecution. At a minimum, they lose security clearance. Will be interesting how this is handled since he is president, but IMHO, both Biden and Trump should be disqualified from the ballet, and lose all security clearance and access briefings immediately. Our country is more important than two old floppy men.
Id like to see either of them do the ballet. Why prevent us from seeng that exercise in beauty and grace?
Basically the one paragraph summary of the entire report is guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty and guilty but it is just not sympathetic to prosecute a senile old man who is unfit to sit at a trial so we won’t recommend the deserved prosecution.
the character and classification of the documents in the two cases is night and day. One was old meeting minutes and schedules left in the garage, the other was military battle plans, nuclear capabilities, etc left in a place known to be visited by multiple foreign intelligence operatives. Let's not begin to equate the two.
Content is classified. There is nothing that's been released by these reports that exactly say what was in them. Just doing that is spillage. Don't presume you know what either had. And quite frankly, it shouldn't matter. It's classified for a reason.
It's not exactly a complete exoneration of Biden. Not good that he shared classified information with a ghost writer. Not good that one of the deciding factors is how poor his memory his. That said, the report does paint a distinction between this and Trump's case - namely that once discovered, Biden was cooperative and didn't refuse to turn over the docs. Still hard to paint this as a positive report for Biden in any way.
using I don't recall as an answer in a deposition is standard if you are not 100% sure of the answer. ask me what I was doing years ago and I will give you the same answer. twisting that into an indictment of his mental acuity is partisan work
ever been in a deposition? My memory really sucks when I am on tape. I suspect yours would to, or at least it would if you had good counsel.
Even as a Democrat, color me skeptical that it was a legal strategy as opposed to truly faulty memory. Seems some of the things he couldn't recall were rather innocuous. There was also a couple examples from this week where he forgot who the leaders are of European countries (including confusing one with a guy who died in 1996).
There are three levels of classification marks in the US. Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret. There are also levels within each classification, such as TS/SCIF, which means Top Secret--open in Secure Room (SCIF) only. There's a huge difference between a Confidential doc and TS doc. You are correct we don't know what level of doc Biden had. We do know Trump had TS/SCIF docs, on the other hand. We also know that Biden cooperated 100%, and Trump did not. In general, when a person cooperates fully in returning all docs and allowing full access to search all premises, the DOJ doesn't charge unless the docs were TS, fell into the wrong hands, and were a true security risk. With no charges here, we can only assume the docs weren't the highest levels of classifications.