Hmm. Let's see. Economy? Humming. Unemployment? Low. Chance of current POTUS turning into a Fascist dictator? None. I think I'm good, thanks.
Actually that description sounds much more like that supporters of the guy that Biden is running against. You know the guy that claims to be a great businessman yet managed to run at least six companies into bankruptcy; the billionaire who claims to care for working class voters yet constantly hits them up for contributions to his finance his legal expenses in cases in which he was responsible for his legal predicament not to mention ripping off working class Americans through his phony "university" and stiffing his employees and contractors; the guy who rails against illegal immigrants while at the same time having a history of hiring illegals; and the guy who complains about being the victim of a weaponized DOJ while promising to weaponize the government against his enemies if he is elected to the presidency again.
That’s hilarious coming from you. This is the guy you support. Lies, upon lies, with the occasional hidden truth.
Claims he wants to stop the deaths of thousands of children in Gaza, does nothing to stop Israel's bombing campaign. Talks tough on Iran, but does nothing to them after they murder 3 of our soldiers. "We can't say for sure if Tehran knew about the attack beforehand." GTFO of here you clown ass for a president!
And that was right after the giant spike in 2019, that had the highest number of encounters since 2000. The low was in 2020. So was it Trump? Or COVID? And do I need to link the CATO article again showing Trump did nothing to slow down undocumented immigrants?
I have been thinking lately about how rare are honest questions on here. Mostly, we seem to make comments at each other, eg “Says the guys who supported _______!” Occasionally, I see questions that are really thinly viewed criticisms, eg “And you think ______ is actually going to improve the situation?” The title of the thread piqued by interest, but the actual “question” here is a criticism that isn’t even veiled.