They are trying to 3D chess her into not making a presidential endorsement? Because clearly if a Republican says she is going to do it, then she has to not do it, in order to own the Republicans? The strong move here is for her to thank Vivek and the other Republican operatives for giving her the idea when she makes her endorsement- I wasn't planning to make any major political endorsements this year, that isn't really my lane, but so many great people, like Vivek and _____, kept putting the idea in my head, so I ran with it. Thanks for the inspiration.
A pop celebrity is enjoying her life while watching her boyfriend play football. And a political party is mad as hell about it. So weird
Maybe it has something to do with these gems from Swift in 2020: “After stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism your entire presidency, you have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threatening violence? When the looting starts the shooting starts’???” the pop icon tweeted. She tagged Trump in her tweet, adding: “We will vote you out in November.” She said she will continue efforts to impede Trump’s chances of being re-elected next year. “I can’t believe we’re here,” she told the newspaper. “It’s really shocking and awful. And I just wanna do everything I can for 2020. I wanna figure out exactly how I can help, what are the most effective ways to help.” The big picture: Swift's Instagram endorsement of Bredesen, who eventually lost the race, called out his Republican opponent, Sen. Marsha Blackburn, for voting against reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act and refusing to support same-sex marriage. In the documentary, Swift rails on Blackburn: "I can't see another commercial [with] her disguising these policies behind the words 'Tennessee Christian values. I live in Tennessee. I am Christian. That's not what we stand for." She also calls her "Trump in a wig."
So, let's stop acting like this stuff supposedly leaking from Trump surrogates is paranoia run amuck. They would be stupid not to have Swift on their radar. She's a popular celebrity who is already on record publicly attacking Trump multiple times in 2020. I don't care if she attends the games at all and never have. At the same time, you're deluding yourself if you don't think Swift-Kelce is being pushed with a purpose. If for nothing else, marketing purposes. And I'll concede, I wish everybody would stop talking about her (good and bad). It's football and that's what we should be talking about - football. Feels like the media is talking more about Taylor Swift than the actual game itself, which should turn out to be an epic battle on the gridiron between two very good teams. In that sense, I resent the media for it and would feel the same if it was Jason Aldean. But Swift and Kelce are 100% working the media angle. I can't blame them for doing it, but it's the media who fall prey to it. In fact, I would say more power to Taylor, Travis and Trump. Hell, the media falls prey to Trump all the time, but Trump's coverage is not raining on my football game. That's the difference. Let me at least keep my f!@#E!@ football.
recent stat: 3.5 hour nfl broadcast, your new favorite bogey person was on for a total of, wait for it: 25 seconds. Find something else to clutch your pearls about.
At the moment, the narrative seems to have been taken over by the rightwing hyperventilating over her. It's really quite bizarre. As someone else pointed out, she was on the broadcast for a total of 44 seconds during the game, which lasted more than three hours. That was, however, more than the 27 seconds devoted to footage of crab cakes.
What? Seems like they're predicting her positions, based on prior conduct. What's so "3-D chess" about that? I think the closest thing to a "3D chess move" (forgive the cheese--just using your word here)--was Sean Hannity last night, publicly pointing out (indirectly to her) that George Soros bought HER music catalog out from under her, causing her to have to re-do ALL her old stuff, in order to benefit from her own IP. ...and therefore pointing out that taking up for the 'crats, was doing his bidding. A clever play, imho. ...but predicting she's going to do the same thing she did in rematch that she did in prior election, isn't even attempting to be clever. It's stating the obvious. Though personally, i think my prediction is more likely (ie-she'll lend her formidable celeb weight behind dem candy/v Trump.... it just ain't gonna be bib drooling Joe Biden).
It's because it's obvious that it's a marketing gimmick, at the very least and she viciously attacked Trump multiple times in 2020. And you well know it's more than 44 seconds during the game. Every other SB story on the wire is about Taylor Swift. We want to watch the football game. Most people tune in to watch the most anticipated sports event of the year; not a celebrity controversy. For me personally, I'm more upset with the media than I am at Taylor or Travis. I can't blame them one bit for milking it. I would too. I mean, why not?
Wow.. I didn't see that. Yeah, if Soros is involved, you know she's on the Dem payroll. She's fair game. Honestly, Trump went soft on her in 2020. I don't think he will get too carried away on her this year. Biden is way behind in several crucial swing states. Don't expect Trump will take the high road, but he won't make the campaign about Taylor Swift either. Trump knows the marketing game pretty well. Should be interesting to watch play out.
Stop. You know damn well there's more than mere seconds of distraction involved. Her legions of Swifties tuning in, is driving ratings. Eg-the Dolphins game was preempted by the Swifty game. A billionaire historcally popular celeb at the absolute peak of her popularity (to date, as she remains on a skyward trajectory), is VERY likely to throw that formidable influence and weight, behind that party's political nemesis. You, feigning ignorance here, is just more stupid River dance bullshit.
OK, let's see. She said mean things about him in 2020? Oh, the poor baby. It must be awful to have mean things said about you. Good grief. I don't have a clue how how many seconds it was. If it were really more than 44, I'm pretty sure the rightwing anti-Taylor faction would have posted evidence of it. Have you see any other than "You know it was more ..."? I doubt half the super bowl previews are all about Taylor Swift, but I'm not going to count. Doubt you have. Like I said, much of the 'controversy' right now is because so many on the right are getting so upset over Taylor Swift. That's pretty damn laughable, I think.
Oh, no! Swifties are watching the Chiefs! Why that just ruins everything! How can I possibly enjoy a good football game knowing that all over the country, Taylor Swift fans are also watching it?
Have a feeling after she wins the superbowl, all the political stuff will play out as predicted....usually doesn't turn out well for the performer but we shall see.
I don’t see any evidence he is crying about it, so it looks like you’re trying to create something out of thin air with comments like these. (ie “the river special”) There are indications he may strike back, but does he not have that right? Especially since she opened that theatre of war to begin with? My guess is he won’t go on the attack unless she renews the hostilities. I think his only retort back in 2020 was something like “I like Taylor about 25% less now” or something like that. He gave her a pass in comparison to how he usually hits back on others. You and your news feeds making up a narrative that is largely steeped in lies.
like maga watched her documentary. nah that’s backing into it. Maga started hating her before they did deep-dives into her twitter history.
Since you have apparently have a problem with celebrities endorsing candidates how do you feel about these examples? Kid Rock: 'I'm Digging Donald Trump' Scott Baio: Trump not 'Messiah', but a 'man who wants to give back' Kid Rock concert opens with Trump video message: 'I love you all' 'Happy Days' star Scott Baio endorses Donald Trump: 'He speaks like I speak' Packers legend Brett Favre endorses President Donald Trump: 'My vote is for what makes this country great' - Yahoo Sports What probably triggers you is that Taylor Swift is far more popular than any of the celebrities who have or are supporting your Orange God and that she has a potential to mobilize a segment of the electorate that Biden needs and traditionally has a history of low turnout.
My thoughts Trump has said some disgusting and nasty things about the democrats and his Republican opposition and any pub that doesn’t lock step with him. Along comes a very popular young lady, self made billionaire who doesn’t like Trump and has said some means things about him. Things that don’t approach his disgusting comments about others. Turn about is fair play. Lol The only thing I’d tell TS is be ready to get attacked should you publicly go against Trump. If you are ok with it, have at it. Pubs know she hugely popular with voting age kids and women. She will be an asset for the democrats. Fwiw I like her as a person and artist, business woman, and respect how she made herself into a popular musical artist.