Aldi used to have a good deal on sea scallops. Last time they had a lot of sand in them. Probably going to try them again in case it was a bad batch. They also have a nice selection of steam in the bag veggies. I’ll stop by when I’m driving by. Like others have said their prices are good. There isn’t a Trader Joe’s anywhere near me. It’s a fun and interesting place to shop. I used to buy Two Buck Chuck wine there until the quality of the wine went to poop.
Some of these same people defending Publix are/were the first to whine about inflation. It’s just bizarre really. I mostly shop at Publix, and notice “stupid pricing” on some of their packaged goods. Which is why I buy those things elsewhere (every once in awhile I do a pickup at walmart to stock up non-food items and pantry items). A few items like boxed cereal and soda basically doubled. I notice the same at Whole Foods, which is even crazier on certain items than Publix for packaged items they have in common. Items like a spices and condiments. In some cases it isn’t just a small difference, it’s like 25% or 50%. If you are going to whine about 8% inflation and specifically complain about overall food prices, maybe it’s just me but you should probably pay attention when you are overpaying by 25% or 50% on like for like items. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Exactly. Some are acting perplexed why people would be conscientious about paying 25 to 50 percent more for the same item while defending the establishment. Ascribing the "victim " complex to people critical of how they shop reeks of underlying politics...
The Winking Owl wine at Aldi isn't too bad for this non-wine connoisseur. I couldn't tell the difference between it and a $10 bottle from other stores. I'm a Cab guy, so can't vouch for any of the other styles.
When you are willing to pay for what they are offering, I don't believe that is fleecing. There are plenty of options for nearly everyone in Florida within 10 minutes of any Publix. Paying for the connivence, the experience, the cleanliness is all worth something and if you are not willing to pay shop elsewhere because there are options. Everyone always makes fun of the "Walmart Shopper", so Publix is actually filling a need and that requires additional funds to pay for it. If they charge to much and run off their customers, they will either get pricing and services back in line with competition or they will go out of business, it really is that simple.
Gatoragman response to Florida having the 5th highest grocery prices in the entire country: “Stop complaining about Publix losers, it’s totally worth it for the premium experience”. Gatoragman blaming Bidenomics for the price of cat food. and more…
If you’re a cab guy try Caymus, my favorite. Pricy but worth it for special occasions. I have yet to find a store branded wine that I like.
Quite a difference in discussing rising prices do to inflation and a business that decides what they offer is worth more. Besides, all cat food has gone up no matter where you buy it. Compare apples to oranges much?
Quite a difference to complain about one store "fleecing" it's customers when you have options. But of course you know that, just being the big brain you are, thought you might have me in a gotcha moment.
While there are about 6 publix's near me, in that same footprint we have a Winn Dixie, 2 wal marts, 2 targets, a sprouts, trader joes, a fresh market and a whole foods.
I would like to, but dropping a 100 on a liter bottle of wine I haven’t tasted is tough for me. Maybe I’ll run into it at a tasting. Thanks
Two buck chuck was always a crap shoot. I had a friend who would buy a bottle open it taste it and then decide whether to buy a couple of cases.
It was for me too. I bought 4 cases in Greenville SC while headed back to Florida and all were good. First time I bought at a Florida store it was not good. Didn’t buy again.