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Trump said "100% chance of a terrorist attack on our soil..."

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by gatorchamps960608, Jan 28, 2024.

  1. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    We tried being nation-states with a common defense unity and currency. The Articles of Confederation failed. One of the major reasons? The Federal government was weak and ineffective.

    I also call things as I see them. The 1/6 perpetrators? They are traitors of a failed insurrection attempt. Had they succeeded in reaching Pence, Pelosi, and others, then what? And Trump? Racist and fascist...heck, he's quoting directly from Mein Kamph and opening campaigning to put immigrants into concentration camps! If you can't at least understand why someone like me would see this as racist and fascist, there's no common ground.

    But you champion Trump, because he brings out the worst in people. He feeds your anger and frustration and instead of identifying those as what they are, you believe them to be the truth for the entire country. And like dealing with a 2-year old in the middle of a temper tantrum, there is no negotiating with someone who can't or won't listen, and can't see why they are wrong.

    And you claim to be a for a small government, but support 60% tariffs on foreign goods? And billions spent by the Feds for a boondoggle wall, and even more to deport immigrants. Nothing small government about these policies.
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  2. tampagtr

    tampagtr VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    This point is so rarely mentioned
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  3. thelouisianagator

    thelouisianagator Senior

    Dec 24, 2023
    I don't have enough time right now to feed into your hatred of Trump and MAGA. But please share, you say "he feeds your anger and frustration and instead of identifying those as what they are, you believe them to be the truth for the entire country", what do you mean by this? Please elaborate on it.

    You are too full of hatred yourself to realize I actually tried to give you an olive branch. I don't like what Trump has made me, full of anger and bitterness. Part of me does miss the days when politics didn't dominate our lives. But Trump is the only legitimate option I have. And you are right on one thing, as long as your side hates someone's very existence for supporting Trump, there is no common ground. As long as you believe in your false moral superiority, there is no common ground.

    How long do you think a U.S. is really going to last when you have 2 sides that have no common ground? Even if you think it's not 50/50, even if it's 25/25/50 (25% being hard core Liberal, 25% being hard core MAGA/Conservative, 50% being in the Middle not wanting any of this), you really think the U.S. can last with 25% of the country being at war with another 25% of the country? In a way you are proving my point.
  4. gatorchamps960608

    gatorchamps960608 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 4, 2020
    So you hate Democrats and the USA. The only thing I see that you like here is Louisiana. Exactly what are Democrats for that you are against? The only thing you've mentioned is their very existence which you would like to eradicate.
  5. thelouisianagator

    thelouisianagator Senior

    Dec 24, 2023
    What are Democrats for that I'm against? Where do I begin? Open borders, replacement of native born citizens with foreign born citizens. Immigrants getting more benefits and rights than citizens. Whites having to apologize every 30 minutes for existing and being white. Whites who are at a disadvantage with jobs due to Affirmative Action. A society where everything is based off race. Higher taxes to pay for more Federal Government programs that are not effective and would be better at the State level. DEI at Companies and forced diversity being shoved down our throats. Religion being all but removed from public life. Being told your racist for believing that the U.S. has actually done a pretty good job with race relations and even electing a Black President (you'll never see a Black country elect a White President). Literally almost everything being the white mans fault. Hatred of home ownership and wanting everyone living in urban cities renting where they can be much more easily controlled. Eventual outlaw of the first and second amendments.

    Heck getting to minority report style policing where even a bad thought or word getting you in prison. Heck some of your Democrats here have even said they would love to report me or report me because I said things they don't like. And all of this is just the beginning.

    Losing my car and freedom of transportation because of "the environment". Forced lockdowns due to a "climate emergency". I could go on and on with things Democrats either outright support or at least wouldn't be against that absolutely disgust me and scare me.
  6. gatorchamps960608

    gatorchamps960608 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 4, 2020
    Ahh, I see now. You are against a series of InfoWars level fantasy Democrat ideas that don't exist in the real world. It would appear that you are like most Trumpers that you want the white Christian males permanently returned to the pre-1960s American mountaintop and everyone else forever stationed below them. Got it.
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  7. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    For whatever reason, you are unhappy with your lot in life. Don't know the specifics, don't need to, and quite frankly, don't care. Someone like Trump comes along and feeds into your anger and gives you a person or group of people to blame. And instead of taking responsibility, you feed your anger and put down the people who you blame for your own failures. And this makes you feel better, strong, a part of a group, and now have someone/something to believe in.

    If this sounds familiar, it's how all despot leaders, including Hitler, rise to power. Hitler blamed the Jews for all of Germany's ills. Didn't matter what the truth was. The hate and scapegoating became an identity that helped Germany rise from the ashes of a bad post WWI reparations deal into a world power that came very close to winning WWII. It also lead to 12 million undesirables, not just Jews, dead.

    Trump has turned his attention to immigrants. They are to blame for all the country's ills. They are the ones who Trump claims are literally "poisoning the blood" of America, just like Jews were "poisoning the blood" of Germany, as Hitler wrote in Mein Kamph. Only, it isn't true. Immigrants commit less violent crime than citizens, have a higher labor participation rate, and mostly come here to pursue the American dream, just like the immigrants before them. Yes, not all are good people, but there is no evidence other countries are emptying their jails and telling people to come north. But it doesn't matter. Blame the immigrants, put them in concentration camps, and all will be better, right?

    Not sorry, but I am morally superior to this position. I have the facts to back my opinion too. If you want to continue with this position, then expect a fight. I hope it doesn't come to blows, but an entire generation of American fought against kind of fascism once. I'd be there to help to do it again if need be. The last thing I want is to one day write a epitaph for the country that reads, "First they came for the immigrants, and I did nothing..."
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  8. swampbabe

    swampbabe GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Viera, FL
    I used to explain it to my students as the “first pancake” of government. Not quite right
    • Winner Winner x 2
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  9. AndyGator

    AndyGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 10, 2007
    evidently I chose my ignore list well.
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  10. lacuna

    lacuna philologist VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Redlands, Colorado
    And here I thought it was West Virginia, by way of Orlando...Still think that.

    @AzCatFan is a fair, steady, even tempered poster on this forum and I'm fairly certain he does not think himself morally superior to you or anyone else posting on this site. Az did not call you and Trump supporters "deplorable." He wrote, "Trump has brought out the worst in people. And you celebrate that. I find it deplorable."

    Trump brings out the worst in people and if any person is "deplorable" - it's Trump.

    Az, and uncounted others, me included, observe how "Trump has brought out the worst in people." He charges you with celebrating that, and your posts on this forum carry the proof of that charge. This is what others, find deplorable.

    In my view you are a loose cannon, your anger, resentments, and frustrations, moving from target to target as your threads on this forum have indicated through the years. Last summer you went after electric cars. On other threads you have given your over wrought opinions on the mass murders in an Orlando Gay nightclub, your lack of success with women and blaming the women for your failures. All posted as 'warnings' that could be, and have been, construed as vague threats.

    There are morally upstanding people on both sides of the political divide. I'll wager most are found within the moderate range across the deeply divided spectrum. And I'll go on record saying there is sound reason to doubt the moral standing of someone who thinks anyone who enters this country illegally should be "shot on site(sic)."

    Several people posting on this thread think you should be reported to the FBI. You raise that sort of alarm on this forum. I'll add this, posted a couple of weeks ago on another thread you started about "corrupt media tennis coverage." There was a reason for my cryptic post. People have indeed, been hurt by your careless irresponsible posts.

    "There are sound reasons to feel sympathy for those of us trapped in circumstances out of our control. I do feel sympathy for our Orlando/Louisiana Gator brother. But he is a careless and misdirected man. Serious or not, he is a poster who has posted 'warnings' from time to time. Serious or not, but construed as a threat a time or two. And the attention of another concerned person who was alarmed, and hurt, though likely without intent, by the careless irresponsible words written by a man without much hope."

    Cryptic perhaps, but all I am at liberty to say.

    You can control this if you want to do so, but it appears you have found acceptance and a sense of welcome within one or the other dysfunctional counter culture movements whose dystopian sense of purpose sucked you in. You can be better.
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  11. gatorpa

    gatorpa GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 5, 2010
    East Coast of FL
    Intelligence officers have been talking about the risk of a terrorist threat coming through the souther border for decades. Trump didn’t invent the idea. I’ve not fallen for anything. Doesn’t mean it’s not something to consider on the other hand it’s not something to roundly dismiss.

    Hell the original Movie in the 80’s Red Dawn had a large contingent of invaders coming up through Mexico. The idea that the southern border is heavy patrolled and sealed is a complete joke.

    The funny thing is the people suggesting Trump has some plan in motion for it to happen are about as bad ass the fools that thought marching on the capital was going to do anything. I have seen the bogeyman and he is Trump. :rolleyes:
    • Winner Winner x 1
  12. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Red Dawn was a coordinated attack with the Soviets and the Cubans. That was a military invasion, not terrorism. Politicians have been claiming the threat of terrorist attack coming from immigrants crossing the S. border. But actual intelligence officers? They have discounted this as a major threat time and time again.

    The evidence that terrorists are crossing the border is of such low quality that we can safely discount much of it. This fact could always change, and the future is unknowable, but available information indicates that foreign‐born terrorists seeking to cross the U.S.-Mexico border is at most a very small and manageable threat. The scale of this small threat becomes especially obvious when compared to the myriad threats that face the United States internationally and domestically, or even the threat of normal homicide.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. mrhansduck

    mrhansduck GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 23, 2021
    It seems you have a good job since you are able to take time off and travel to Texas. You mentioned your family and specifically mentioned having at least one kid - a daughter. So you have stable employment, people in your life that you love and vice versa, and you've obviously had romantic success in your life if you have at least one kid. I could understand why a lonely young guy with nothing going for him could feel like he's left with no options; however, it sounds like things are actually going well for you personally. Seems hard for me to square those things with being full of anger and bitterness.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2024
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  14. thelouisianagator

    thelouisianagator Senior

    Dec 24, 2023
    I'll only address this idea that somehow any of my words have somehow "hurt" or "injured" someone. Especially in my criticism of tennis media coverage here in the U.S. of all threads. I don't debate that many of the things I have said here and just in general are extreme. But my criticism of tennis media coverage was by and large pretty mild.

    Words only hurt if you allow them to hurt you. Words by themselves have absolutely no power. It's why everyone here can call me a racist and I don't care, because I do not allow that word to have any power over me.

    Maybe if someone that poster actually knew in person said those words I could understand it. Because it would be the person, not the words, that would injure the person. But why anyone here would allow words from some random poster who most here consider "radical" to "hurt" or "injure" them in any way is both surprising as well as honestly pretty ridiculous to me.

    Words can't injure if you do not allow them to injure. If that poster sees this I apologize if something I said injured you in any way. But in no way should you let it. I'm just one man, and a man at that just trying to get through this crazy world. I'm not President or a Senator or even a local politician. I admit I'm a nobody who has no ability to change anything. You shouldn't let the words of a single man who has absolutely no power even remotely hurt you. Because if my words hurt you, life is going to be hard for you. There are people out there in the world far worse and far more cruel than me. And unlike me, a lot of those people actually do have real power. I say what I do here to get the anger and fear out of me. Ironically people who know me in person consider me a down to earth and kind person.

    I understand I'm not a completely down to earth and kind person, but I'm not the monster that people here think I am. I just know I can go full out on here without a filter. But I don't let a single word anyone else says here affect me and for gosh sakes no one should let any words I say here affect them in the slightest.

    Besides, we all know my world view will never be reality.
  15. philnotfil

    philnotfil GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Yet you have clearly let words affect you. As evidenced by the long list of things you told us you believe which are entirely false. But have led you to make decisions in the real world that impact you negatively.
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  16. thelouisianagator

    thelouisianagator Senior

    Dec 24, 2023
    I let actions effect me, not words. And at the end of the day I don't even put a sign in front of my house, lol. I've been to exactly one Trump rally in my life.

    I would tell that poster to never let words from any poster on here impact them in any way. But I would also tell them they need to have thicker skin. There are people in the real world far worse than me. Heck for me I worked at a hotel concierge back in the day when I was much younger. The things that were said to me on an almost every day bases would make things here look tame.

    I had guests tell me the hotel and even the world would be better if I didn't exist. And that was directly to my face and directed at me personally, not a general statement on a message board. I had two guests who physically tried to attack me. Needless to say if I had let their words impact me I would've quit within 2 weeks of starting that job. I made it over 2 years in that job before getting in my actual career. Words, especially from a stranger, should never impact you. That's how I made it, I never let those words get to me.
  17. thelouisianagator

    thelouisianagator Senior

    Dec 24, 2023
    And did you ever think Lacuna that maybe I brought up the tennis topic because I was injured by it? That I was hurt by it? Knowing that if I had been better I could've been stopped by the USTA because I'm white? Knowing that some young girl could have her dreams stripped from her by the USTA in favor of a minority girl with less skill because they are obsessed with finding the next Serena Williams? That they could do the same on the men's side and strip a young boy of his dreams because they want "diversity" and might refuse to promote a white boy. And I can tell you right now this type of stuff is possible in today's USTA. I know people who work with the USTA who tell me this type of stuff happens. I know someone based out of the USTA National Tennis Center in Orlando and he's told me stuff like this.

    A big reason the U.S. Open is my least favorite slam is because the politics are just utterly pushed down your throat in the media coverage.

    And of course liberals never are concerned about injuring or hurting the other side. It once again comes off to me as a great example of "Democrats can dish it out but they can't take it". Don't believe me, go to the political spots on Reddit and see what is said.
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 1
  18. philnotfil

    philnotfil GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Then why do you act on so many false words?
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  19. GatorFanCF

    GatorFanCF Premium Member

    Apr 14, 2007
    Mark Twain is quoted as having said: “I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.”

    There are tens of millions of Americans whose lives would be better off without the constant, ongoing fear machine that is today’s media.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  20. lacuna

    lacuna philologist VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Redlands, Colorado
    Though my comment was posted on the Tennis thread, it had nothing to do with tennis or the media. The aforementioned damage from your words came indirectly from things you heedlessly and recklessly posted in the past. The damage was the result of numerous irresponsible posts going back several years.

    Words are spoken or written with intention. You have mentioned a number of times your intention is to essentially cripple, humiliate, or destroy the left, the Democrats. You posted you think they should lose their freedoms and be incarcerated. Perhaps you take no offense to being called a racist because you have defused the word by already determining and accepting you are a racist? Your posts on various threads provide substantial evidence of that proposition. The accusation of a charge you have acknowledged and accepted would therefore be of little to no offense to you.

    You don't get it. No one was personally hurt or distressed by what you posted. It was the subsequent 'fallout' after your posts, the distress and repercussions from what you posted. When the dust settled, there was discernible damage to people disturbed by the content of your posts and threads. You may not have intended it - likely did not - but nonetheless damage was indirectly inflicted.

    Don't see that working our for you. Your posts are both fueled and ramped up on your anger and fear.
    I have not observed the "down to earth and kind person" you claim to be in RL.
    It's unlikely the person most affected by your reckless borderline posts will read your apology as that person no longer posts on GC. We are all trying to navigate through alien ideas in an increasingly hostile and unfamiliar world, but the guides you are trusting to lead and instruct you are leading you far off course. Your words and ideas don't hurt me. They are however, highly offensive and possibly considered dangerous in certain circles, and that is of concern to me. Scrutiny from those who read your posts should not surprise you as that's the way you set it up for yourself.

    Why do you think you are entitled to go "full out...without a filter"?

    I can't say I agree with you, but if that's what you think - sooner or later you will inevitably brush up against those who vehemently disagree with your conclusions. Perhaps even going so far to report you to the FBI as was mentioned up thread.

    If, as you state, you "don't let a single word anyone else says here affect me and for gosh sakes no one should let any words I say here affect them in the slightest," why do you post at all on this site? Other than to attempt to rid yourself of the anger and fear you mentioned up thread, what's the point as your anger and fears don't appear to be reduced or assuaged?

    One can hope so, but you have made it quite plain what it is what you wish and are working for, and what you apparently believe will happen in the not so distant future. I will remain attentive and vigilant.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1