So I got a text from some random person saying hi. I asked who it was, they said “Jenny”, and thought my number was Amy’s. I said no, they gave me a couple of sentences about how the number got mixed up. I figured it was a scam because they included a picture in the response, and it was a really cute 20 something woman in a golf cart no less (picture was perfectly innocent). There was no need for the picture. And yeah, I would share it but immediately deleted the chain. I read around and apparently this is a new thing, they try to start a conversation and text friendship from the “mistake”, before eventually asking you to invest in some crypto or other scam. One dude lost like 500k. He said it was weeks and hundreds of texts before the scam came up. Just a PSA in case any of our older less technical folks here get one.
I get them at least once a week. "Hey are you coming to the bbq this weekend?" "Hey are you okay?" I'm always tempted to mess with them but never respond.
I’ve started to get those. And Faith keeps telling me she’s added me to a group. I’ve never gone but I’ll bet they have a lot of fun in there I wonder if she and Kristen have tickle fights.
It's a racket. There are gazillions of scammers out there. Minimal investment, big returns. On Facebook, it's mostly people scamming out of Cameroon and Bangladesh.
I mess with them. Try to get them to meet me places and stuff like that. It’s pretty fun if you’re bored.
Is the scam dependent upon one following through and sending them $, or is it simply a matter of clicking a pic and then getting screwed? (asking for a friend)
When I read on it most places said it wasn’t about clicking on the pic, was more of a confidence scam…but I didn’t chance it.
True. Remember when he said he had a healthcare reform plan finalized and coming in a matter of weeks after getting elected but then we never got any healthcare reform at all? Damn wait that was the guy in 2016. At least Mexico built that wall. Wait, no...
I get one of those texts a week, usually making believe it was someone I’d met at a party l, then claiming it was wrong number, then wanting to become friends. Same routine every time. So I block them all.
Happens to me on WhatsApp which my family needs to connect droid users to iPhone users who have no cell service. Here is the profile pic of the latest. I’m gonna invest…
I like inventing an elaborate backstory. I find fake pictures for myself from the internet. Last time I really strung one of them along I pretended to be the personal assistant of a very high profile celebrity (but I couldn’t say who due to an NDA I had signed). So I was always like “just got off the jet back from Vegas and headed to Saks for some shopping - I’ll text you back when I’m done” etc. So I got them very interested in my potential wealth or access to it. I pretended to be a massive Nickelback fan and would frequently send pics of the band and links to my favorite videos. And ask shit like “what’s your favorite lyric in this song?” Or something like that so they actually had to listen to it or look it up. I’d use ChatGPT to write up ridiculous reviews of the last Nickelback show I saw and shit like that. Good clean fun. Had them going a few weeks.
I used to do the same thing to telemarketers. String them along for 20 minutes and act very interested. Right up to the point of giving them credit card info and then my phone would start to lose service. “You’re breaking up” “hello?” “Can I still buy this? Are you there?” Hello?” click
I've had so many packages that cant be delivered and are waiting at the post office if only I confirm my address, they must have a full warehouse
Reminds me of an episode of Gunsmoke. Chester sent a picture of Marshall Dillon to some girl in St Luis claiming it was him. The girl in St Luis sent a picture of her good looking sister claiming it was her. She made a surprise trip to Dodge City and thought Matt was Chester.