I hate when people hit the funny button on me when I’m trying to make a serious and well thought out post. I won’t do that to you. Spoiler funny.
Yep. He did. That is what we call it when you have people submit fake documents to try to stop the transfer of power from an election and then tell you supporters to be "wild" and sit there while they walk through the halls of the Capitol chanting about how they are going to kill the #2 and #3 person in the line of succession while they stop the other branch of government from certifying the election that you already tried to submit fake documents to derail. Not one of the criminal charges. That is a civil charge. He has already been found to have committed fraud. In addition, another civil case in New York found him liable for sexual abuse (which, in New York, is defined as forcibly inserting something into a woman against her will). The difference is intent and always has been on civilians. Biden allowed them into his house to search for any upon first learning of the issue. Trump lied to investigators, in writing, and actively hid the documents from investigators. Both suggest that he had intent to retain the documents, an intent not possible to infer from Biden when he allows them to search without conditions. Given that there had already been a recount prior to the call, your explanation doesn't make sense. Want to try again? You have left quite a bit out. I already informed you of some of them.
We have a lower age limit to be president, need a upper cap too. How about social security age you no longer can run for re-election. Watch them raise it to 82 then
MD, I’m not going to get into a pissing contest with you but if you think those countries wanted that crack head who had no expertise to offer to their boards except for access to his father then this back and forth is going nowhere.
Board members work for companies, not countries. The country didn't hire him. And he has a law degree from Yale, was an executive VP at a major financial firm, founded a law firm, a consulting firm, and a hedge fund, and had sat on corporate boards. That actually is the background boards look for.
Wow, his life has really taken a turn for the worse. For one as successful as you paint I guess the crack got him on a downward spiral. I won’t even mention the tens of thousands the guy spent on hookers. Who doesn’t like a little sex now and then? JK! Hopefully he is able to over come the tax evasion, gun charges, stay off the drugs, and fend off the corruption charges and once again becomes the man worthy of serving on a board.
Yes, drug addiction tends to do that. And he is hardly the first board member of a company to have issues with drugs and hookers.
The private sector kind of services. The services that don’t involve the government. The kind of services you or the GOP can do anything about.