optimow® 50H Robotic Lawn Mower | Greenworks Tools Goes on sale a lot, I think i paid $1300. As I mentioned you need to be a little handy to maintain. I've had to replace the battery (warrantied), a wheel, and a cutting blade . My gripe has been customer support when I've needed parts. Its been a bit of hassle to get someone on the phone. Just checked my app and it says its mowed 1622 hours for, 991 miles. so I'm at below $1 per hour now, plus the cost of energy. Can't beat that. I generally let it set all week an run it on the weekends when im around
Ya'll havent even mentioned that they literally just blow everything up in the air for us to breath in. Insect feces, dirt, pollen....
I just got a battery operated snowblower. It’s only single stage, but should be good enough for our not too long driveway and sidewalk. Uses four batteries to generate 96 V. Of course, it might not ever snow again with the way the weather is going.
Shush. If Cali legislators get a hold of that info they will require masks when you step outside to get the mail.
You're gonna have to pry my enourmous Stihl backpack blower from my cold dead hands. I have 8 mature oaks that shed 17 metric F-tons of leaves in the fall. I'm not giving that up anytime soon.
It’s encouraging to se so much success with battery powered mowers. Wasn’t sure how they’d do on thick st augustine grass
According to this it is 3rd. But even if it was second, that link you provided shows it is a distant second to Arkansas. Add up all of the adjacent states to Arkansas and California is only a small part overall. Leading U.S. states in rice production 2022 | Statista
OK, but there's still no good reason to use so much water to grow rice in CA! In other words, why should CA be anywhere near the top of the US list for growing rice? CA will continue to get drier as the climate gets hotter and needs to rethink water allocation sooner than later.
All true, it's more efficient to grow it around Louisiana, lots of rain and humidity. Low land supports easy flooding.