Have you seen how they load honeybees on trucks from around the country and ship them in to Cali to pollinate the almonds when its time? It's pretty wild.
I guess this is based on it takes 1.1 gal of water to produce 1 almond. Read past the headlines and see that they have reduced water consumption by 33%, read that the entire farming industry of Cali has reduced water intake by 14% while increasing output by north of 30%. While you're reading, don't do it on a full stomach though, a ton of technology in all ag production has come from Cali. But that's ok, keep living as a unicorn. Someday someone will have to pay the bill!!
When I first read your post, I pictured the robot lawnmower my friend has. It’s not a whole lot bigger than a Roomba. Then I clicked on your link below and saw that gargantuan lawnmower. That is something else.
Not to mention producing rice. edit: posted this before I saw that @WestCoastGator brought up the same issue. Also with rice, I don’t know if they still do it, but when we lived in Sacramento area they burned the rice fields every year, which made terrible air pollution and was very hard on allergies.
I converted last year. Sold my gas Stihl Kombi power head and purchased their electric power head. It runs my blower, edger, trimmer/brush cutter attachments. I bought one large capacity battery and may get another before summer. I like the electric power head …. no more gas and pull starts!U hedge trimmer and small chain saw are black and decker battery.
Though it would be hard on commercial yard services, it makes a lot of sense to impose this measure. Leaf blowers are the worst in terms of greenhouse gas output. Surprisingly extreme in volume. I read somewhere that a surprisingly significant amount of greenhouse gasses would be prevented by going away from gas powered yard equipment and outdoor cookpots, largely used in developing countries. The Gates Foundation was working on that, at least before they got into controlling the populace through vaccines
Small gas engines are horrible polluters, though. They don't have the same standards and emission controls as cars. I was looking for a small portable gas generator recently, and learned they pollute as much as 450 cars, for example.
"Leaf blowers are the worst in terms of greenhouse gas output. Surprisingly extreme in volume." Yes, exactly! And the frequency gas-powered leaf blowers operate at is perfect for passing through walls. The noice is inescapable and maddening!
Personally, I am all electric, all battery (with one exception). EGO mower and Black and Decker hedge trimmer, line trimmer and blower, with interchangeable batteries (I buy extras to switch out if I run out of charge). But there are few things as satisfying in life as getting out the extension cord (a bit of trouble) and using the plug in high power blower. I have 5 mature oaks in my back yard and sometimes need to "clean" the pavers, around the shed, porch, etc. The battery powered is sufficient for quick clean up, but the "big guns" come out after a mess like yesterday. Waiting for it to dry.
We got an electrical generator that can be recharged with solar panels. Fortunately have not yet had to test after multi-day power loss.