Hopefully that comes to NC. Cant wait to trigger the conservatives when my illegal alien lawn team uses an electric lawn mowing device.
I mow about 8 acres in the front of our property. I used to mow it with a tractor and belly mower, it took about 7-8 hours. Purchased a zero turn 2 years ago and can knock it out in around 3-4 hrs. Not sure I can afford enough batteries or be able to wait on the charge, in the summer needs to be done about every 10 days.
Is this going to become the next culture war thing where DeSantis only allows coal powered lawnmowers because this state is where "woke goes to die?"
Someone launched a massive robot mower last year that I think did like 10 acres in an hour. No clue how it works
Everything is a band aid until you have enough band aids to start to cover the wounds. But it’s a start. And there’s time savings, which has little to do with the environment, but adds to your day.
That would be awesome!! Probably unaffordable in my lifetime. Plus, I have about 100 oaks I have to mow around, but technology may get us there!!
Not going to replace my gas powered Honda lawnmower anytime soon. That being said once it reaches the point in which repairs do not make any economic sense I will almost certainly replace it with a battery powered mower.
That would be awesome for golf courses or sports fields. Only $100 to reserve one. I think I'll wait though!
My Roomba has found a way to get out of work. Every day it starts up at 9 AM and then runs and hides under the guest room bed and stops. Every day!
I've got maybe a 15-20 degree slope in my front yard, no issues. I've got one oak root smack in the middle of my yard (so you can't route around easily) it tries to go over and bottoms out. I have to go rescue it every once in a while. Otherwise it hits them and turns around. I also routed it with the guide wire to just avoid one 4x4 area with roots and I go weed whack it every once in a while. As mentioned my only real issue is moss. I think I saw some of the newer ones don't even use perimeter wire and are just self-learning. I have roughly an acre it maintains and I couldn't recommend it more. I'd rather spend time with my family on the weekends, and I bet youre in the same boat
Next thing that needs banning is the dreaded gas powered leaf blower. Most annoying, loudest, most polluting machine in world history!
I think it makes sense for individual homeowner. I live in a 55 and over subdivision of 254 homes where the mowing of our yards is paid for with monthly association fees. I don’t think requiring the yard company to go to battery powered equipment would work for them or other yard companies that go from yard to yard running their mowers for hours a day.